ICPbros wtfwtwtf??

ICPbros wtfwtwtf??

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Btc integration was supposed to happen december, then January, then q1, now july. Next will be December.

Oh boy

when will we get a relief pump? I want out of this carousel so badly bros

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accumulation will last a while, so get comfy

Just bought 50 pissing stalagmite.
T. Poorfag

Why? What a waste of money.

Each their own, I buy $1000 worth each month. Maybe do some research on this coin you’ll understand.

We'll pump to 9+ tomorrow.
I just know

This can’t be happening to me I did everything right! I’m racist, I’m an incel, I’m a NEET but I worship 70 year old white capitalist billionaires that inherited their wealth, I hate women, I used my mom’s credit card to buy ICP……I just don’t understand I thought I was based and checked…..where did I go wrong?

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where can i do more research? i already got 2k pees but im down almost 6 figures on them, and id rather not sell at a loss. feels like the price action is being suppressed.

Unlock happens tomorrow so whatever pump that happens will be followed by a dump



There’s not much places to find info on this coin other than from dfinity itself. I highly suggest reading the dev forums. You can tell the devs are actively working on this project and are transparent on what they’re doing. Hell if you have any serious technical questions about ICP the devs will answer it. I don’t know any other blockchain team that is this inclusive.
I wouldn’t sell at a loss unless you need the money. This coin has been manipulated since the beginning. It will most likely go lower but next bullrun people are going to rope especially Reddit for ignoring this coin.

Even at 7 bucks this is still overpriced as hell. 10 cents incoming anyhow, this thing doesnt come out of its own bear market for another 2 years

Explain your point on why you think it’s over priced. It’ll never go to 10c unless the project is completely dead and the devs have given up. The lowest I can see this coin going to and this is only if btc dumps to 15k is $2-$3.

Even the devs forums are filled with people complaining/scared about the price and tokenomics. It’s just a better written version of shitcoin telegrams. It’s over for us piss bros. It was worth a shot, better luck next time.

I guess we have to wait and see

>70 year old white capitalist billionaires
> white
you got a problem with white, tankie?

>Next will be December.
If by that you mean NEXT December then you'd be right
>tfw you realize the reason they're waiting is so people can DCA for cheap ICP and BTC before the integration when they both skyrocket in price

Don’t give up fellow pisser, far lesser coins have done far greater pumps. This urine has a cult following, all it needs is some damn momentum and all the pissers and fudders will unite. I’m too far in this urinal to just cut my losses.

Who are you even trying to mock? This isn't even a real person