Everything you posted here is logged and will be used against you in due time

everything you posted here is logged and will be used against you in due time

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Good. I will defend it all to the death.

We're all longtime dead, mon

it was all a joke hahaa...

It's great! I love it.

I do hope so. Why else would anyone bother?

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Why tho? I just need a place to anonymously vent my grievances. It's not like I'm doing it naked in public--which is what I WOULD be doing, if they shut this place down. In some ways this little website is the best safety mechanism we have against cohabiting with uptight weirdos.

Kill yourself fed.

Yes, I sometimes get this image in my mind where i'm detained in some room and a woman from some vague gov agency is reading all my posts to me.

It's all algorithms. No persons involved. Nobody's going to check the output either. Unless someone starts posting CP again.

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In minecraft

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Ha ha ha joke's on you I was just pretending to be retarded

How do I avoid paying my taxes?

>used against you in due time

What are they going to do? Make me live in a bedsit apartment in a filthy area? Make me wageslave in a warehouse with artifical light that hurts my eyes? Make me earn literal pennies to the point where i can barely afford food?

What the fuck are they going to do to me that could be worse than what they're already doing to me.


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Everything I've ever posted is a parody and the FBI are well aware of this.

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You know, maybe I would like it if someone compiled all my shitposts, put them in a binder or even a book, and shoved that book up their own ass.

>My perfect predictions of exactly how the price action will move will be permanently cataloged
Maybe in 1,000 years, some trillennials will be doing a deep dive in to the uber-way back machine and find the hidden key to understanding market price movement.

If it's about how I made smart choices about investing into tokens that made a massive money gain for me, because I chose to invest into LoveLace and made massive gains. Then fuck yes, I want everyone to know and remember and learn by experience that I learnt, saw and made the best because I was ready to stay strong and let the losses be gone, and held to finally see massive gains.

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>and what exactly did you mean by niggers tongue my anus sir?

I dislike black people.

>everything you posted here is logged and will be used against you in due time
hope they give some of my lost money back

>nobody lies on the internet
don't care nigger

Call the cops. I don't give a fuck.


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