What exactly did he mean by this?

What exactly did he mean by this?


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Thanks, just bought 100k usd

He means you need to be a good goy and not complain about them controlling everything, stealing your purchasing power, and destroying the hope for your children to have a prosperous future.

He's right, it's closer to like $100TN if you include government liabilities.

It's much higher

>no biggie
>don't worry about it

They actually wrote that shit in the article subheaders?

i mean. the number..is right there, you just have to turn around buddy. Guys is there any word for this? This type of sholock?

This isn't even journalism anymore.

and that’s a good thing

At what point is this blatant lying not treason
>here are 5 reasons the media blatantly lying to you is a good thing

Oh that’s why

This dude is saying that taking money out of the social security fund to consoom is the same as you delaying consumption to put money in your savings account. That just makes no sense and is quite the opposite of rational.

It's only correct if the option to default on SS is on the table. If I'm putting money away for a kitchen, then I always have the option of not bothering to buy a kitchen and taking that money back out. But if the government decides it doesn't want to fill the $8bil. hole in the balance sheets then that's not really the same thing. They'd have to abolish something pretty substantial.

We sell bonds and people buy our debt to trade with the dollar. If they dont participate we blow them up or call them terrorist.

Double or triple that.

He's saying some of that money is technically PLEDGED not DONATED
But PLEDGE and DONATE are the same thing ok

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China would also buy more to strengthen the dollar. They need yuan lower to stay competitive in manufacturing. If the dollar goes low enough we would make our own stuff.

Unless you know, it’s a nuclear nation like Russia. Then we just limpdick some useless sanctions and watch Europe freeze, lol. Petrodollar is dying.

In a fiat system the national debt is kind of irrelevant. In the US where most of the assets the central bank buys is government debt, the national debt ends up just an artifact of expanding the money supply. Even if you expand the supply 2%/year, that's an exponential pattern and you will see an exponential curve upward in the amount of government debt. The only restraint on government spending in a fiat system is the value of the currency. If it becomes more worthless (inflation) then spending has slowed, taxes increased, or the central bank selling assets. If its government debt then that will increase the interest rates.

all of money is fake just like this world is nothing more than a veil to reality.

It's modern monetary theory. The US has a monopoly on dollars. (Like Japan) we can decide to cut the deficit in half tomorrow if we wanted to. We can create as many or as few dollars as we want. We can mature all government bonds if we want tomorrow. Basically that number tells you how many "imaginary fairy money" the US government has injected into the private sector to get it to work. It's all programs that Congress wants through legislation. They want a new road, then the government makes imaginary fairy money from thin air to encourage soldiers to fight, builders to build, and fishers to fish. Like he said, this does affect inflation, but his excuse is that it's recently gotten out of hand due to an unexpected covid pandemic. Otherwise it would have been the usual 2% annual inflation

genuine question

why can't the jews just delete all the debt? Who do we own debt to? Why not delete it and start fresh? I don't get it

Its still not a reasonable analogy.
The government is borrowing from future spending to fund current spending.
Somehow this is the same as a person resisting spending now to save for future spending.