Birthrate at the lowest point

>birthrate at the lowest point
>inflation at the highest point
>middle class at the lowest point
>Quality women at the lowest point
>merit at the lowest point
Tell me one reason why should i participate in this society and economy

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Pretty soon you won't need to.

to post antisemitic memes and racist pepes

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Cause unless you're rich and can live off the grid, you're fucked like the rest of us. That's what my rich relative did. Bought a farm out in the boonies and locked her investments on something that gave dividends and just check them occasionally. Now that person doesn't have to mingle with retards.

You shouldn’t
The aliens and elite consider taking part in this fucked up system as giving consent for more control

I will fix the birthrate don't worry

This is the world the white people tell us to be grateful for.
Keynesian and Austrian economics, nordic sexual freedom, and a failed white copy of jewish nepotism.

mean reversion soon

"Quality women"

Yes the terminally online basement dwelling crypto Any Forums incel parasite is picky you gaizzz. Wahhh fucking FEMALES and and and NIGGERS wahhhh

The sad part is this is like society. What you pretend to hate has literally been the bubble that kept you safe and priviledged all your life. The irony of you pretending to rebel against "society" is palpable.

I know for a fact that parasites like you will die alone sad hated and in pain and it will be us who will inherit the Earth and live free in a world without the current understandings of society, family and a vengeful god

You shouldn't
The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
Think you can control or "nudge" it? just try controlling AGI, free genetic engineering, or maybe start with the temperature of the fucking planet by a few degrees

This is the most tragic thing
Even those who want to escape the "social contract" have nowhere to go
The can't simply fuck off innawoods because there is no woods left that isn't owned
Ironically fucking off innawoods is a privilege held by fewer and fewer

nigger criminals make me safe? Women whoring and being proud for it make me safe?
>and it will be us who will inherit the Earth and live free in a world without the current understandings of society, family and a vengeful god
By the end of the century there will be more Afghans than white Americans. You wont inherit shit, Darwin makes sure of it.

It's by design.

I will die moisturized and in my own lane as your cunt reeks of dog breath from manifestation of your insipid soul.

interesting how absolutely unhinged you became because user insulted modern females. look at how much venom you type in your post and how hateful you are.
Holy shit a real life simp incel posting here defending wahman. I love how you simp incels that seethe when wahmen get insulted are the incels but pretend it's guys that hate girls. guys that hate girls dont desperately crave and desire validation from a female like you simp incels do so desperately. Its why you project incel on them so hard cuz deep down its you that want the girl to pick and your desperate to look like a hero so a girl rewards you for your honorable good guy behavior.

either way you're a seething raging virgin mad he insulted girls and no matter your back story you're hate in your post gives away just how much of a simp incel you are. Must be single mom raised actually think i replied because i want to support women or something? Are you braindead? I unironically hate 4channers and all that you stand for not just the misogyny. I am only here so i can hopefully maybe be that little push one of you parasites needs to do an hero. As a matter of fact i have even collected over the years the personal informations of some of you bastards and i hope i will be able to "travel"eventually.

As a matter of fact if you are this brave uberman alpha male as you describe tell me where you live. Why anonymous hiding? Arent you brave alpha male? I want to fight you

you're a worthless nigger jealous because you were born a nigger.

go take your meds user you'll never be some girls hero she gives her pussy 2 you simp incel you wont do shit in person and you're just another underage hardass typing hard in your moomie and duhdies basement. go pound sad nerd you're not the cool l33t uber slayer badass you made yourself out to be in your head. always one of you homos on this board. hurr imma go where I seethe to maybe someday get one of you to die. what a sad pathetic miserable existance you have user seriously. go join the real life super hero movement and pick the villian side with all this dorky edgylord shit you're typing. I wish you were local so I could make you eat dog shit off the ground cuz I know how tough nerds like you online really are. do fire back with more seething le uber fighter god hacker man info talk so I can laugh and roll my eyes at your le edgy 12 yr old posts. go play runescape geek

can't believe no one has gone after your reddit spacing in literally every single thread you hit up

Because were at ATL. Only up from here

female: "im straight"
also female: makes out and has sex with women for "fun"
female:"I like nice guys"
also female: fucks chads who degrade them
female: "I dont do hookups"
also female: has 100 bodies

females simutaneously believe two things can be true at the same time. true is true and false is true. its illogical, delusional and the definition if insanity

have fun "winning" and getting stds. im out

Still not gonna pay taxes black bum.

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You're here foooooever Tyrone.
Never taking the vax
Never getting married
Never paying the tax
Never gonna relax
Gonna pay a commercial surrogate mother to make another chud to torture you when i'm gone.

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