Hello Any Forums I am a 23 year old male I cannot find a cheap place at the moment. I have to get roommates...

Hello Any Forums I am a 23 year old male I cannot find a cheap place at the moment. I have to get roommates. It’s like either I have to get my wage(knowledge) up or I get dumped in with the trailer trash. I don’t know if I’ll ever get the little farm I want. I’m not even asking for much just two acres or you know what even an acre. Fuck man I deserve my pain. I made $30k off $600 last year and fucked it all up holding MTV all the way to the bottom.

My instincts are telling me if I don’t figure it out now, then I will be doomed to a fate of unspeakable suffering never before seen in recorded history.

Please, I need something. You guys are the closest things I have to elders. Please help me. It will be another three years before I finish my electrical engineering degree and I don’t know how worse things will be by then.

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I know them, they’re really traditional and they go to a very prestigious school so they probably have never even had sex much less cunnilingus

I'm 23 too. made 100k off of 25k, back down to 30k
I'm a NEET practicing music in my moms basement, and if I don't make it in music or with my crypto by my 30th birthday I'm going to pay an uber driver to drive me to some remote mountain where nobody will find me, climb to the top, and suck on a helium tank or shoot $50 of fentanyl and fade into nothing. hopefully nobody has the burden of finding my body, and my family just thinks I snapped and moved to Thailand or something

Stop taking yourself so seriously.

I’m 26 and you guys are scaring me. I know at this point my only option is grad school

you have the ability to turn $600into $30k but that was the point to switch into a completely different strategy. some people are good at making a lt of money in crypto, but holding on to that money requires you to be less ballsy, to take a more cowardly and hesitant approach to the market. me i'm the other way around, pretty good at holding on to what i have, not so good at having the necessary balls to increase my tiny stash in the first place.

what else is there? give 45 years of my life to boomers who wouldn't blink if I blew my brains out in front of them? and then pray I somehow find the top 0.01% tier woman who doesn't solely love opportunistically, to eventually cheat on me and take my son and house?

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all this so that I can give 30% of my wages to a government that demonizes and loathes me? fuck you jew, I won't take the vaccine. I won't get a vasectomy or a circumcision. If I get a girl pregnant by accident and I dont want it, my country can force me into labor to pay for it.
Meanwhile if I do want it, she can make the unilateral decision to kill it. Fuck that. I'll murder her either way. Then I'll kill myself. I'd rather die than suffer the dishonour of being sodomized in prison.
The only way out is to make it on crypto and move to Portugal, and get a villa and a cute wife

Jealous much yet?

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just degen ape another $600 into another 30k like you did last time, it will probably take the next bull market to do it. but once you have switch into a preservation strategy where you take your profits into bitcoin (which wont drop as hard as your degen coins). basically repeat everything you did right and then pivot into not making the same mistake you did last time.

im not the op, I still have 30k

You are in the denial stage. I had the same thoughts when I was your age. Fact is that life is misery for most people and waging is a means to an end. It fucking sucks. The best motivation I had for not waging anymore was to be creative in my way of escaping waging. I figured that I dont have many material needs, I eat, I go to the gym and I sit on the webs. I looked everywhere in my country for real-estate that would allow me this. I didnt need much, just a duplex with two apartments. One where I could live, and one for renting. In some cities, it is very expensive. So you have to compromise, I looked everywhere and found a town where real-estate was cheap and the estate would give me positive cashflow each month. It wasnt much, but enough to cover my expenses. If I wanted more pocket-money for investments I could work part-time.

You have to make compromises. Find out what you require, what you cant live without and the things you enjoy. Make a budget of how much this will cost you. For every luxury, measure the cost. If you dont want to wage your entire life to afford shit you dont need, this is the way. Today I am happy. I made enough off crypto to secure a bigger loan for more real-estate. I dont need to work anymore. I am not wealthy, I have enough for the things I require, I like to hike, go to the gym, hang out with friends and learn. All my vices are cheap. Slowly I will accumulate enough for a higher standard of living, but I dont really need it, and thats why I save a lot. Because I am satisfied with little. "As they say, The richest man is not he who has the most but he who needs the least. The richest man is not he who has the most but he who needs the least".

Also, you are scaring yourself. Nothing will happen. Only a slow downturn in living standard for the masses. If you are smart with your money you wont notice much of a difference at all.

fuck off, we're full


red flags flying

>year built, 1870
lol boomers.

bullish for pokemon ENS, everyone in the world loves pokemon

id looks really similar i thought u were too lol

thanks user, you sound like you've made it.
All I want to do is bike around in nature, lift weights, make music, cook my meat and maybe grow some fruit

I also only have very cheap vices, maybe $250/year on drugs. I dont like going out, dont care about having a car (insurance was 3k/year for a $6,000 used car for only liability), even my phone bill is free

You'll be fine. Finish your degree and get a job (try an internship during summer too). Heed the grindstone's call and you will be rewarded, I promise you. Don't listen to doomers. They are swine, crabs in a bucket. Three years left in college is a great time, I wish I could go back. Don't squander it worrying about memes of making it with crypto (but buy BTC and link). Go out and get laid, too.

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this is just your teenage hormones talking
(yes, you have teenage hormones because you're a middle class ameriburger. all the fat diet and propaganda slows down your development in key areas)
by the time you're 30 you won't want to kill yourself. i mean, if you're particularly american in a bad way, you will "want" to kill yourself, but you won't do it. so it's better either to plan for your future wagecuck life or to make actual money seriously instead of gambling on bsc shitcoins in between 2 fap sessions