I'm a wagie who lives alone with 11 cats

And I just spent $298 on flea medicine and proper food for them and now I'm completely broke.

Don't fall for the "living alone" meme.
I don't even have enough for dinner kek.

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but you don't live alone, you live with 11 cats
are you retarded?

Why do you have 11 cats if you can't afford 11 cats?

I mean I technically can afford them but barely and they bring me joy and most of them I've had for 8+ years including my oldest who's 18

I have 1 cat. She's a really picky eater and will non-stop beg until I open a can of food. Then it's not what she wants so she keeps begging until I open another can. Had to open 3 cans this morning before she ate one of them. Shit's like .79 a can. I don't let her outside though, so I don't use flea medicine. There's an enclosed porch she hangs out on.

that is why you need to get chooks. make the cunts pay their rent in eggs. when they stop laying into the oven. pure business relationship.

Was actually considering getting chickens and a few goats, I can where I live, I got a small investment duplex which is about 7 years till it's paid off, just mostly finished my vegetable garden, got my 30-06 back, I might be poor but I'm becoming a complete man, albeit only making 1300-1500 after taxes every two weeks.
sigh I'm so close to getting this place paid off, somehow I have more than most richfags here.

Wait, does this mean David Koresh actually WAS Jesus reborn?
Oh man we probably shouldn't have set fire to his home and killed his family.

My place is surrounded by woods so a few of my cats like going out and traveling problem is they brought fleas back with them, now that they are medicated going to spray a 7 month IGR around my property to eliminate any remaining fleas saving me from having to re-treat all my damn cats.

post kot pics

Only cat lovers are failed living memes.
What part of "alone" you didn't get? Just live alone without anyone and any living beings. Fucking parasite infected fuck, this board have so many of you guys it's such a shamfur dispray.

11 seems like a few too many
No one should have double digit cats unless they own a farm
Are you addicted to taking strays or do you not fix them

So AI is sure jesus will be reborn with glasses

Animals are good companions
I have a dog and he encourages me to walk everyday

Covid caused me to gain 5+
Baby stray found her way into my basement, few months later she was about 5 months old then covid hit, vets shut down she got pregnant and next thing you know we got 4 more cats and her, problem is she was so young they all came out midgets so I just kept them, but they are all fixed now.

I'd take that shithead out back and open up a can of .38 on it

Here's a pic of the strays midget babies, they didn't get very much bigger than this.

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For a good dog sure. I have a dog myself and i don't think everyone should have a dog or desrve a dog, some people are just animals themselves like OP.

Says the bitter faggot.
Might try investing in a mirror.

There's no way I could handle 11. Unless I had a farm and they were outside cats. I've thought about getting another one, but afraid they might not get along.
No. I've had her about 11 years. She is my friend. It's probably my fault, was going through a bad time and gave into begging behavior just so she would leave me alone. But now I don't know how to stop it and am spending more on cat food than my own food sometimes.

I rescued kittens once, but found homes through family and coworkers
God bless you user

Your house must be absolutely horrific.

Just stop giving it to her they become dependent upon the wet food, just switch to dry food keep her food bowl filled and just refuse to give her wet food, give her some catnip while she withdrawals from the wet food, they actually can get so dependent on it they become sick.

It's not a huge deal, but my cats are mainly the reason I didn't hero myself when I lost everything last year, now I'm doing better and rather than being greedy and trying to reinvest into bullshit I decided I'd invest into the things that kept me sane.

Kek yes it is, I keep it clean but it's hard to maintain cleanliness, spent my last two days off tightening up the place but my place needs about 10-20k worth of repairs to get fully organized/clean, I got a plot of land next to me I plan to buy and build them their own little living area/two car garage on it.

11 cats

This is mental illness. Focus on self-improvement. Cats won't be feeding you when you're starving.

I live surrounded by woods and deer I'll be fine.

>cats aren’t food
When you hungly you eat anyting

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Pretty sure there is a link between cats and cancer.