I’m going to jail for 2 years soon. What’s the best thing to invest ~26k into?

I’m going to jail for 2 years soon. What’s the best thing to invest ~26k into?

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Fantom. Good luck

gang protection

What'd you do

Tax evasion?



OP here changed IPs. i bought into a token that was forbidden to buy for americans. they had a disclamier on the website but i still bought it on a decentralized exchange and then they caught me when i moved the funds to an exchange where had KYC

I beat a pedophile to the point of having permanent brain damage

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Based, make sure to cancel all your subscriptions and bills

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flee, you don't deserve jail for that

Why are you only doing 2 years you piece of shit?

absolutely worth it

In that case, Fantom

all in polkadot

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Why and how did you get caught fuck

Imagine beating someone so hard that you end up having brain damage

I been 8 years in prison and I didnt invest in anything while I was in, you probably can imagine how much I regret that as I actually knew about Bitcoin at the time.
got lucky with other shitcoins eventually.

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> Go to jail for 2 years
> Buy crypto
> It was a 4 year bear market

50% BTC - safest; it will still exist in 2 years
25% ETH - will probably still exist in 2 years, and if so will give higher returns than BTC
25% into smaller projects - I'd invest in LINK (likely to still be around) and AVAX (50/50, but if it's around it will be worth a lot)

If this 26k is the sum of all your finances, I'd put only put half in crypto and the other half in safe'ish stocks - google, apple (both safe), tesla (sorta safe, probably good return), maybe even a bit of gamestop just for fun

You're making a good move. I spent 2 years inside too and watching the markets from federal prison will really be something you look forward to. It helps give you purpose, and the shit stocks/coins you buy will be a fun gamble, but don't put in too much



Based on absolutely no research - LINK, Quant, maybe a little in Rose (don't forget to stake) and a few hundred into some random bullshit with the smallest market cap you can find.

How DARE a man be attracted to teenage girls, it makes me so fucking mad...

Either eth or btc. Good and safe as far as crypto goes and you'll have some kind of return when you get out.


Wait, how did you get brain damage OP?
I'm confused.