What are your thoughts on ledger?

What are your thoughts on ledger?

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ledger live is pretty cool. and the device is pretty easy to use. i bought one after i got a moonbirds nft. ended up selling it. now i have about $40k usdc sitting in it til i figure out what to do. i will keep it offline

overall recommend!

and to prove im not a shill. i hate fags and jews.

i want one but i've read horror stories about packages being intercepted and bugged/hacked etc checked

their Bluetooth is complete shit and its next to impossible to connect to my iphone

I always wondered, when you have so much money in crypto can you just sell it and withdraw it to your bank account with a two clicks of a button? Surely there must be more to it

I don't get hardware wallets.
How is it better than Electrum wallet on my separate PC? In both cases, I just need to keep my seed phrase safe.

i honestly have no idea. im scared to withdraw it all. i feel like the gates will close on me and lock my money up. so i'm going to use half to DCA. And the rest will be for taxes, and just pulling out small amounts like 200-300 whenever i need it for bills in the mean time.

i've heard that too. but they say to just get it from the website. and before doing anything, make sure it works, run the diagnostics, then reset the mnemonic phrase, and you should be good. keep it completely offline.

probably extra paranoia? marketing? if you have a good system and keep your electrum wallet PC and private key safe. you should be good. i like the ledger so far though.

The upside to using a hardware wallet is you never have to type your seed phrase onto your computer to sign transactions. Theoretically this makes it more secure as if you have keyloggers or your system is compromised in some other way you can still safely sign transactions without risking your private key.

they're tamper-proof. when you hook it up to ledger live it does a authenticity check and tells you the device is genuine.
If someone says they got a "hacked" ledger, what they're actually telling you is that they are a retard and gave their keys out, or they put keys from a hot wallet into it

Most of the time yes, as long as not over $10k it's just two click away
Above $10k they might call and ask whatthefuck but if you use a good exchange like Coinbase they might not even call or calm down after you tell them where you got that deposit from
If it's a shit exchange you'll have to come with proof of funds and shit, and as long you didn't sell drugs it's easy to prove

wow thanks for that. So I can pull $10k from coinbase, and they won't fuck with my bank account?

a lot of countries have a 10k red flag system built into their banking systems. any deposit or withdrawal of 10k is automatically flagged for checking by the authorities, or consideration for checking at least. deal in quantities below the 10k mark if youre trying to avoid attention.

Leaders are a waste of money. You can turn any usb into an encrypted hard wallet. Buying ledger is for lazy people to waste money

Device unneeded.

Ledger Live is trash on the desktop

If you forget to turn off bluetooth you can become an easy target for criminal since they can see there's a ledger near by.

Swaps from the ledger require KYC unless you connect it to metamask. Sometimes this leads to stuck transactions.

Feels cheaply made

If someone has over 10k in crypto it is probably worth it

Can you not do this with a tails live usb + a gui wallet?

I'm 6 figures worth and I never even considered the idea of investing in a ledger but I probably should. I'm just too lazy to do it, but I never had any issues with metamask

retard. imagine feeling safe when your private key is literally stored in a computer connected to the Internet.

Ledger is solid. The only thing I don't like is how they got hacked for customer info, I get phishing emails constantly eversince.

it leaked all my personal info in a globally-available database
my phone number compromised, my full name compromised, my address compromised, my email compromised

in the worst days i would get multiple calls a day, dozens of emails a week (including threatening ones)
also i would get notifications from my email app, i was getting dozens of brute-force attempts on my email daily (all IPs from india)
caused me lots of stress, now it's better but i still get the occasional pajeet call

honestly regretted falling for this meme
just be careful with your crypto computer and don't use shady sites or download weird shit
software wallets can be pretty safe

Yes you can. You can keep your Seed on an encrypted USB and then whenever you wanna send out crypto you would have to physically plug the USB into your computer. Same exact thing as a hardware wallet. They just keep your seed on them and when you wanna use it you need physical access.

Give me access to your computer for 30 seconds and I can steal your Metamask off it and then decrypt it later to steal your crypto.

Same. Wallet is still good but the leak is inexcusable

Ledgers are not solid. They have been hacked already. If your ledger falls into the wrong hands it is not safe.