You need to ID verify your gmail account to download Tinder from the Play Store now

>you need to ID verify your gmail account to download Tinder from the Play Store now
the absolute state

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You need to show an ID to create a Facebook account now.

What if I dont create any accounts then? jews dont steal my data?

i fucking hate how this shit is becoming so normalized
we need to create some sort of activism for it in leftist circles (since they are the only ones allowed a platform to speak out), we can frame it as "corporations encroaching on individual rights" or something

>leftist circles
>individual rights

Leftist circles are the ones pushing this.

>Leftist circles are the ones pushing this.
i'm aware, but there's one card we have. leftists despise capitalism. if we can convince them this is a way for evil corporations or supervillain jeff bezos's method of creating a corporate obligopoly they might start speaking out against it.

imo as a collective we have to get better at understanding leftists and how to manipulate them

>leftists despise capitalism
Leftists despise whatever they are told to despise.

Using tinder or facebook

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I dont fucking believe it

>uses aurora store on graphene os with no googleplayservices installed

ezpz retard

btw buy monero faggot

use apkpure faggot

u wot.
I just downloaded it, I've never given my ID to jewgle ever.

>Leftists despise whatever they are told to despise.
majority of leftists are influenced by marx in some degree. capitalism is the root of their hatred, and their support for interesctional things like gay rights stems from these things being framed as anti-capitalist things

Leftists are braindead retards and are too stupid to realise the cognitive dissonance between what they're told to believe and what they should actually believe.

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>majority of leftists are influenced by marx in some degree.
They are also influenced by Klaus Schwab to some degree. It's a bit of a paradox.

How can you install Tinder without Play Store?

Go outside.

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Happy Mod.

>You need an id to post on Any Forums
what now nigger

google the terms in my post and stop beingso fucking stupid

>Leftists are braindead retards and are too stupid to realise the cognitive dissonance between what they're told to believe and what they should actually believe.
you're pretty out of touch with modern leftists (i'm specifically referring to the marxist ones, not the libs)
every pride month they lose it over corporations "pandering to lgbtq for profit" and make the same twitter threads. they are still socially left btw, they just differentiate corporate movements from their actual gay/tranny shit.

you're right that they are retards who believe whatever they are told to, which is why i'm advocating for us to go into their circles and do exactly that. it just needs to be told to them in the right way
a significant component of their support for things like trannyism comes from their belief that
1. gender roles and the "construct" of gender were invented and rooted in oppressive capitalist societies to keep the workers divided. terms like the patriarchy and ciswhite privilege come from this
2. transgender/gay/female employees are underpaid by capitalists so it is a class issue
yeah they also support it because of muhh "science" but those two reasons account for about 50% of their support
this is otherwise known as intersectionality theory btw

t: former marxist

>on no a slight obstacle to normie chads and stacies hooking up for sex
however will society cope


so your big brain idea is to go over and attempt to reason with people who have largely abandoned logic. under the presumption that they will maintain some level of consistency in their beliefs and see that what you're saying aligns with their stated ideologies. well good luck with that.

>reason with leftists

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