After all the bumps and concussions how is Mick Foley still doing well?

After all the bumps and concussions how is Mick Foley still doing well?

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He avoided being a degenerate outside of the ring

>Still doing well
>Parroting DOD propaganda

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cte is made up by dr omalu who had to retire from medicine because people kept calling him a mental weirdo

I shoot hate this nigger.

Mick is such a mark.

Explain Benoit and all those former NFL player that committed murder-suicide

>carnie get worked by (((them)))

Ukraine is a shithole full of neo-nazi LARPers who are quickly finding out that actual war isn't like their slavjank video games and I hope Russia massacres most of their population.

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All wars are fake and meant to depopulate the White race

Didnt happen

gee thanks mick, the war is over and everyones happy now

bronson reed RIP

I stand with Kane.
I stand with Trump.
I stand with Putin.
Simple as.


Good goy

Explain every single other murder-suicide. Correlation does not equal causation, nigger faggot. HH.


It made him retarded not sick

Samefag, but Zelensky is the one invoking "muh Holohoax".

you mean explain the headcase wrestler who nancy got a restraining order against in 2003? is every murder because of cte? did chris watts have cte? benoit was a weirdo, him and nancy were always arguing. go read one of the books about it. it wasn't out of the blue. he hated her and refused to put her name on his life insurance. he just happened to have cte because of his profession

wrestling fans repeat the "80 year old alzheimer's" line from 2008 and that seems to be the extent of their knowledge. dr omalu is known for making outlandish claims about his work and that was one of them. benoit didnt have the brain of an 80 year old alzheimer's patient, it's a stupid thing to say

explain the thousands of other wrestlers, fighters and football players with cte who havent killed their families. because they all have cte. even test had cte. if you scanned foley's brain it would look far worse than benoit's. is foley an 80 year old alzheimer's patient? brain damage is a thing but the actual effects of what is known as cte are unclear and it is still being debated

Benoit didn't do it, but roid rage is a real thing. Not so much rage but it causes dudes to lose impulse control. Like most of those NFL niggas an-hero for dumb shit like losing jobs or women, they just snap spur of the moment.