What are the financial implications of young people being behind their car loans?

What are the financial implications of young people being behind their car loans?

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Indication of upcoming crash of auto industry and any other big ticket items.

Don't care. Won't pay

don' they repossess your car if you don't pay

After like 6 months

amazing what happens when the free money stops coming in

>be zoom-zoom
>zero knowledge of how money works
>bought Doge at ATH because Twitter
>keep swiping credit card
>borrow money to purchase depreciating goods
>debt collectors start calling


Kek. 'Muricans.

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>Loan with interest on a depreciating asset
No one is that dumb

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I guess nobody ever fully commits like me
I have the payments being pulled directly from my bank this way I'm required to keep the sufficient funds available otherwise it will overdraft and the bank will charge me $100 for it

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Why dont they take the subway? It works great here in germany

Public transport is for homeless people

also niggers

its not. you can sit and read and take it back drunk after a nice evening at the local kneipe

Where are homeless people going?

>tfw 23
>tfw paid $2800 with a check for a 27 year old pickup
>tfw it runs flawlessly and doesn’t even have rust issues

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Congrats you doubled/probably tripled your money now

Fuck yes, I need to replace my 2008 post crash pickup truck.

Depends what part of the country. There is no good public transit in the midwest where I live. Either you have a vehicle or you are not getting anywhere.

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Food banks, charities, government service offices, or just back home after a day of panhandling

Did you know they securitize these car loans just like they did with mortgages? Wonder what that led to...

Invest in Towing Companies.



buy 9 euro ticket if you are in germany

they live on the trains

Well the Fed doesn't buy them up so the banks are the bag holders. They'll just bail out he big banks anyway.

Only if they can locate the car

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we dont have so many niggers in germany so why impose your american views on me kek