W-Will GMT become a stablecoin Any Forumsbros..?

W-Will GMT become a stablecoin Any Forumsbros..?

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there we go
end thread OP

no,and you shittards fudding it will be the first ones to cry once it pumps again, screenshotting this for future use

keep coping retarded fella
fpbp and checked for extra flavor

>W-Will GMT become a stablecoin Any Forumsbros..?
it would be honestly funny if it got that far

We don't need more stablecoins

First people should stop cheating and start running for real.

Now that the rest of the move to earn coins is dying and stepn is the only one left surviving, do you think it could inspire a new bullrun? at least an altcoin season?

why do you even ask this shit?


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the move to earn market is over, stop trying to make it seem like it isn't

I don't agree with you, I'm just fine with USDT

i will be frank with you user, i don't think a bullrun will happen before the next BTC halving, anything else is just you coping

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The pigs have to start sweating to earn their coins.

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are you high on hopium or?

oh look, it's bland protagonist number 464, how is your average unfunny and uninteresting shonen doing?

I think its just starting

>believes crypto will survive until the next halving


Let me guess, Jojos fan?

do we really need this to happen though?

if fit leaks into biz then will anons start to smell like normal human beings or will the rot consume it all and destroy fit?