Money can literally buy mental and physical health (the latter to a certain threshold)

Money can literally buy mental and physical health (the latter to a certain threshold).

So in the end it can buy happiness, correct?

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Money can buy Xanax, therefore money can buy happiness.

It makes happiness a lot easier, but doesn't guarantee it

It can buy hookers and cocaine, so yes

You can walk on that street for free. You fucking idiots are slaving away when there are literally places in the world that are cheap and have perfect weather and beautiful young women everywhere. Will that make you happy. Maybe... maybe not. But fuck, at least give it a shot.

money will make you happy until you earn about 80k per month. then no more increase in happiness. papers are a bit outdated but you get the idea

>there are literally places in the world that are cheap and have perfect weather and beautiful young women everywhere.

this is just fake and gay

The only limit on how much money can bring you happiness is yourself. If I were extremely rich I would build beautiful avant garde homes just to create them but that isn't cheap.

It's people with your mindset that get totally fucked by random events in their lives. Having a lot of money is a form of insurance.


Money solves 80% of your problems as long as you're not a complete retard

No, it just improves your character stats.

There are faster, cheaper ways to get brain damage user

Lots of med locations. Won't say exactly which cities. There are things you need to do in life to make yourself happy, like exercise, relationships, "fulfilment", "meaning, "purpose" etc. etc. but it's a fuckload easier when you walk out the door to a nice cool morning breeze, knowing that it will get nice and warm and sunny throughout the day. You look around and you're surrounded by old buildings and streets. They're not grand or immaculate by any means, but they feel naturally curved and bendy, and they have some character to them. They're cramped together, but the lack of uniformity makes it feel less pod-like, and just more cozy. And the girls. These girls look *good*. All of them are slender; no fatties in sight, unless they're obvious tourists. The Mediterranean diet, ocean breeze and close family relationships makes them look very healthy. The fact that they're often genetically very attractive in the first place also helps. There's usually little variation in attractiveness in these places. They crowd around the 6-8 range, with a few 9s or even 10s, and the occasional, unfortunate 3-5s, but almost all of them are pleasant to look at. And they just walk around like normal people or hang out with their friends outside. No girl is too hot to not be out and about in the town. You know how sometimes you see a really attractive girl and it makes you feel better? Maybe even makes your day? It's like that, except it's a regular occurrence, if not a daily guarantee. The kicker is that these girls love Western/Northern European men. They're usually very friendly and will smile at you if you make eye contact. Learn their language and they will absolutely be happy to talk to you. Guys in these places are underemployed, short, and a bit boring to them, even if they do have some classic Med-esque game. But the girls there appreciate fairer Europeans' typical personalities and faces, and usually you have an edge in height/build.

It's just fucking nice man. Everywhere you look usually looks good, whether it's a building or a person. Stuff is cheap and good quality. People are happy for a reason. There are degenerate lefties there, like everywhere, but they just seem a little edgy. They aren't raging whores like in the rest of the white world. Some of them move to another part of the world for 'experiences', but most realise they have it pretty good where they are, and just live happy lives. It's just nice to see beautiful women everywhere. Maybe it's kind of lame but it makes me happy to see that and makes me want to live. I'm from UK so you can understand my perspective. It's just your environment.


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don't let the poors in this thread fool you. money buys happiness. have a pet or family member that needs the best treatment for disease or illness? having a lot of money helps. want to have the option of moving far away from niggers? money. want to have the free time to create art or music or build a tree house for your kids or become more knowledgeable about the world. money. money is 2nd only to health and money helps you improve your health by eating better and stressing less. money buys happiness it shouldn't even be a question at this point.

Yes of fucking course it can.
But if youre a shitty miserable person then you will still be miserable after you get used to your cars and mcmansion.
Checked and based. Dont be a fag and say the cities you nigger. Im currently visiting Utah cause theres places here where rent is still relatively cheap and nature is awesome, but my heart flutters like a teen girl at the thought of opening my door to the ocean breeze while I jump on my motorcycle and drive down to a cafe for breakfast
>oh no the 3 Any Forums users who read my post are going to emigrate there and ruin it

>I'm from UK
prob a fat bong in greek islands but yes the non insta meme ones are nice though too many boomer bongs ruining your stream of beautiful women to look at

like buying link

better to have a wealth problem, than a health problems
and, i'd rather be rich and unhappy, than broke and miserable

and morphine, so yes

based. i'm off to southern spain for a week in a few days. first solo trip. if i enjoy it i'll go back for longer next time or consider relocation