How do you mentally recover after losing millions?

I went from multiple millions of dollars worth of crypto to less than $100K.

Attached: DA8B2F6D-0DD5-4FA5-A10A-F8F40B3A6017.jpg (552x554, 37.39K)

Other urls found in this thread:

find peace in knowing others made millions
that your sacrifice made a millionaire happier
Youre a wonderful person

Attached: welsh-btc.png (1259x575, 102.56K)

if you didn't cash out, it was just numbers on your screen. technically, you didn't have millions if they only collected dust in your wallet. It is the truth and a sane way to go about it mentally

That made me feel worse

That made me feel a bit better. Thanks

to further elaborate, until you have physical, cold hard $ in cash or numbers in your bank account, even these 100k in cryptos is 0 until you convert it to something tangible

You make it all back, what was done once can be done once again

Thank you, sir.

You're dumb as shit for not taking profits, how could you be so fucking stupid? You literally fell for the hold meme while you got dumped on oh my fuck.

make a video game

I don’t know bro. I’ve been in 6 figure hell for over a decade. If I ever make it over a million, it’s going in to a mutual fund. I would never do anything risky at that point. At least you still have more than most I guess. If you’re still holding and we ever see another bull run, you’ll be a millionaire again.

I’m cashing out if I hit a million too . My mistake was delusionally holding out for 8 figures . Should have been happy with a few mill but I got greedy

try this , you can easy make it back with this

no, it's not just numbers on a screen he is just a diamond hands retard

Hahaha you're a gay retard.

You forgot the most important part, taking profits off the table.

You got greedy didn't you

Yeah, I guess you could call it greed, but part of it was also not understanding the value of money. I was operating on incorrect notions of what was needed to “make it”. Also, about half of the paper value of my portfolio would have been lost instantly if I sold due to the low liquidity of the tokens I held. But yeah, I didn’t really have a plan for taking profits other than hoping it would hit 8 figures before I had to figure it out, which was bad

I cope with great amounts of alcohol

These threads are cringe and cope, you guys talk like someone whose gf dumped them and now, finally, you understand that you should have been nicer to her and bought her flowers every day bro and she'd have stayed.

In reality ofc it just shows you still have no idea what works to attract or keep bitches and if you happen to get one against by accident you'll just fail in the same ways.

ask THAT guy

Typical coomer brain, takes any subject and relates it to pussy.

this, typical NPC