Anything other than PoW is a scam

Anything other than PoW is a scam.

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>verifier's dilemma

ok well that is like, your've opinion man

>your' eyes
you okay, fella?

Anything other than PoW with easily accessible nodes*

That way we can get rid of scams like BSV and Kadena as well




At this exact moment in time are time what can I actually use POS for? At a glance SOL is the only POS network actually being used and it is barely functional.


Working late aren't ya.

POW: spend lots of money buying equipment that become useless after a few years, also pay for electricity
POS: spend lots of money to earn rewards, no equipment handling and no electricity bills.

That just makes it seem like POS is a money printer for people who buy in early.

Proof of Utility is the future.

It literally is so long as you're not buying into dogshit with no use-case or prior adoption.

But the only people allowed buy in early are VCs so the whole thing just devolves into Jewish tricks.

no shit

>he hasn't been accoomulating ETH to PoS mine for the rest of time
>he doesn't want to make free money forever
Not even the only currency out there with a similar working model either.

I'm a Monerofag. I am trying to make sense of your protocol and can't. You are saying people who get in early get rich. What is in it for people who get in late?

Sol is doomed for failure. 500 ms blocktimes lead to state bloat and poor decentralization.

>500 ms blocktimes lead to state bloat and poor decentralization.
Where can I read more about this and isn't 500ms blocktimes kind of slow by POS standards?

Anyone got a list of PoW coins worth investing in? Or how I can buy XMR as an Ausfag?