$250,000 is barely any money

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OK then send me 250k then you faggot

I spent 10k in a club last night and didn’t even get laid

Sent ;)

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I don’t have that much but that doesn’t make it a lot of money

based kek

You're a nigger.

depends on your timeframe and what you're doing
if you're living off of it:
for a year? yeah, thats plenty
for a few years? yeah, youd live comfy
for a lifetime? nah, not really
building a business? as long as you don't have to buy a property to do it you could do well
investing? really depends on what you put it in

That's like 20x prostitute rate.

Onaholes only cost like $50, genius.

I spent 4k on a trip to Paris with my gf and all I got from her are 2 public slapping incidences in front of the Eiffel tower because I called out her bullshit.


Send me the $250k and see how my Sylo and Cake investment would be yielding more than before. Fool!


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I can make 8 figures, unironically

this should include 5 figues as well to show how poor Any Forums is

Total population 7.7b still top 8% on the planet.

For real? With that money my life will change. I'm gonna invest in real estate and Crypto. Egld and Ride is pretty cheap now

Thats almost half my yearly income in poortugal

You can build a house for that much, and a house is extremely valuable to most people.

Maybe in America. You can have a comfy life in EU with that money.