There is a bill passing that will reduce worker (((QUOTAS))) in Amazon workplace.

Man, with unions happening, warehouses getting torn down and dwindling prime subscription usage on top of this...could this all lead to the end of Amazon as an economic goliath?

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I don't care as long as someone delivers me my dildos I ordered last week

I'm pretty sure you can get anything cheaper elsewhere instead of Amazon.

yeah that is why the stock is splitting on the 6th.

I think I got your order.

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I mean the majority of Amazons income comes from cloud services

Last week? You can wait that long?

There is value to the convenience of shopping in one place and being able to get it in 2 days.

Amazon collapse?

The sears of this generation?

Not my problem

Amazon makes like 90% of their money from their cloud storage and data centers. store data for practically everyone, from classified government intelligence and even to Amazon's competitors because they are an absolute behemoth. If went under, it would hardly make a fucking dent in Amazon as an entity.

IIRC I heard companies are going to steer away from Amazon because of cyber attacks and shit. Can't have all eggs in one basket I guess.

I expect their stock price to further plummet down way more for the rest of the year, even after the split ends.

How do I profit from this?
t. Insider

>laughs in AWS

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I thought amazon dominated online shopping

There are many superior Russian and Chinese sites. Amazon is owned by Jews and Democrats.

that's a cool one user. Saved.

Amazon is literally just an old blind fulfillment center. It centralizes a shit ton of shipping for a shit ton of people running very small businesses. Flushing out Amazon will only lead to Walmart making more money, not mom and pop shops coming back. Amazon is basically the new model of mom and pop shop online order fulfillment. Unions are retarded.

Who's the cracker on the bill?

Profit, not revenue. Amazon by market cap is still mostly a retailer.

I wonder how bad gas prices fuck with Amazon's business model?

Andrew Jackson. A great president who destroyed the first central bank in the US. He also beat a would be assasin with this his cane once. Badass.

Your re-phrasing makes it sound like it's a quota for how many people they need to hire when it's a quota for their productivity.
Personally, I don't see a problem with a productivity quota. The issue isn't the work it's the wages wanting to do less work in the same amount of time for equal or less money rather than do more work in the same amount of time for more money is such a nigger brained concept.
They should just be trying to get paid more.

Survived over 100 duels too.