Bringing Civilization to the Dark Continent

I've always been enthralled by the colonial exploits of Europe into Africa and the seemingly endless wealth that is there to be taken, because the native population does not have the ability or societal trust to efficiently use. What would be some good ways to generate wealth quickly in Africa and what countries would be the best to do it? Namibia has always interested me because of its climate, low taxes, and large European population. But I'm open to any ideas besides fucking kaffirs for money.

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European already took whatever they could. Chinks are currently scrapping the bottom of the barrel.

>the seemingly endless wealth that is there to be taken
Like what? try to develop a mine and Ngubu the local warlord will tie you up in a tire and set you on fire while the rest of the village watches


Yeah maybe if you go to a place full of fuckin bantu child eaters but there are some places in Africa that are relatively peaceful. Blacks in Africa outside of places like South Africa and the Congo actually are willing to work with whites because they know they bring higher standards of living. It just depends where you go.

Whites took what they could til the blacks nationalized the mines and trains and everything else and let them get dilapidated into the ground. Investment into Africa has always been expensive for corporations because of the nature of the african laborer, which is why chinks bring their own in and are quite productive when they dont employ blacks. And as a single entrepreneur Im sure there is a mulitude of things you could do the natives have no fucking clue even exist.

OP you seem knowegable about the subject. How did the colonists subjugate the native population? Was it through battles or...?

It was very similar to India and North America where the whites would pick a group that had been downtrodden and give them help, and elevate them to a princely class in the new colony. This worked well until the blacks inevitably asked fo mo gibs after seeing the development of their space from literal jungle to a somewhat maintained garden. And they went from working cordially with whites to just straight up genocide/unwillingness to work with whites, part of this also being due to the fact kaffirs now had greater access to firearms and modern artillery, which is the greatest mistake whites made when conquering these places, which was giving the conquered the weapons in which they were conquered with. This really only applied to the Dutch, Portuguese and English though. As for later colonialism during the Conference of Berlin where Germany, Italy and France got some larger holdings in Subsahara, most of the time blacks didnt even know whites were ruling over them, because they had no concept of centralized government or borders. So the whites basically just went where they wanted in their alloted space, built some shit, and the blacks listened until they wanted the metropolitan life the whites had promised and couldnt be patient. So they got rid of all of them, on top of the whites being done because of the huge war debts from WW2 and feelings towards the empire becoming negative.

Wow cool. Thanks

I'm watching this rn and why the fuck do they not have functioning industrial vehicles?

hard to believe people still believe this crap.


>as a single entrepreneur Im sure there is a mulitude of things you could do
name 3 quick go

>Im sure there is a mulitude of things you could do the natives have no fucking clue even exist.
Search “empire of sand” I think it is still on bitchute.
Tl;dr there’s no way to extract resources from Africa without first exterminating the natives.

lol, using a laptop/phone with resources extracted from there, you have a bizarro perception of reality

>Tl;dr there’s no way to extract resources from Africa without first exterminating the natives
How is a single entrepreneur going to exploit mineral wealth in Africa when heavily armed foreign mercenaries get captured and tortured in African shitholes?

- manufacturing designer drugs
- click farming with shitphones
- lacquering random pieces of driftwood and shipping it to California in boutique stores for obscene amounts of money under a false pretense of charity

i'm not even OP but i can keep going this is fun maybe i should quit my job, liquidate my savings and move to Africa

Two more years Togashi chads
Trust the process

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Any time I see a thread like this I'm reminded of a tweet by some fag that says something like one day a group of westerners will get kitted out and get on a few boats and seize a significant portion of Africa, viking style.
That continent is completely wasted on niggers and I'm tired of pretending it's not.
We should at this moment be prospecting and identifying the weakest states in Africa and just go there and kill the local warlords using superior tactics and firepower and make a state for all religious traditional anons. Only problem will be finding brides who are worth impregnating.


>click farming with shitphones
QRD on this endeavor, madlad?

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