19 mom kicked me out of the house

Never done drugs
Never drank
Attending college

All because we had an argument over me quitting my 40 hour a week job

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>quitting my 40 hour a week job
kicking lazy kids out is good parenting

If you live in Maryland you can come live with me

And now you're seething on 4chins. Sounds like mum made the right move tbqh lad

Buy sylo

Sorry to hear that user, can never understand and fortunately never knew anyone willing to kick their own flesh and blood to the curb outside of something like a destructive drug addiction. Is this an American thing or something?

I saved 26k from working in hs and college. I quit so I could spend more time with my gf

Not enough info to make a call. Sounds a bit harsh. Maybe in the end it’s for the better.

no, it's shit parenting.
they raised him and didn't teach him the values of a good wagie.
this is just stunting his professional development and putting him at risk, getting mugged or sick or crime. etc.

see you should have gotten another job first, then quit

Now here's the thing,that your mom is no longer a mom,she's a roastie that you should cut ties with.

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>I quit so I could spend more time with my gf
Ah yes, you're a total fucking idiot then, and your parents did the right thing.
Apologise, get either your job back or a better job and hope they let you back.

>I quit so I could spend more time with my gf
lmao you fucked up

Hope you trolling nigga, being 19 and in love it's not a good scenario. Invest in yourself and have fun

your sexy mother thinks you're an ugly incel freak and so she kicked you out and now you're financialy fucked

Don’t see how someone can attend college full time and work a 40hr week.

Post mommy nudes!

kek idk why boomers are so obsessed with wageslaving

>derides others for being on “4chin”
>while also being on it
The eternal midwit strikes again

I hate american boomers.

Fuck you I'm virgin