Just got asked to start planning to layoff 20% of my team. It's getting bad out there bros

Just got asked to start planning to layoff 20% of my team. It's getting bad out there bros.

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Wut do u do pal

which publicly traded company do you work at

Just got asked to lay off deadweight management, starting with OP.

Things are starting to look up, bros.

I made that Pepe.

Middle management and other dead weight gets the rope

Nice, perfect chance to get rid of all the women and non-whites

I wonder how many of them are hoomers

Attached: 099409C4-2602-4A56-9B67-E5614BF44FFA.jpg (706x669, 77.06K)

>20% of my team

What you going to lay off your colleagues left leg?

fire only the vaccinated workers

Find the dead weight and eject them

I made you. I'm sorry my son

1 of 5 is 20%

The fuck is it made out of?

Good, the filthy goyim need to do real work. To the mine shafts! To the construction sites! To the farms! To the factories you lazy subhumans, no more make high paying work jobs for you unless you are a minority or woman

Why fire all the conformists who will take a paycut for the "greater good of the community/company"

start with middle management and suits.

because they are the people who were shaming, nagging, forcing, coercing, etc. other people to get a poison shot (and wear a cuck mask)

lies! i made that pepe

You have to go back.

>Why fire all the conformists

need people who produce. conformists just cover their own ass to keep their job. little do they know this ends up being their ruination.