It’s pretty stupid to think that launching something in bearmarket is ok, rango did nothing wrong delaying them ido...

It’s pretty stupid to think that launching something in bearmarket is ok, rango did nothing wrong delaying them ido, it would’ve been outrageous

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bearmarket is trash

rango (griffit) did nothing wrong

it actually is ok, if they have strong usecases they will sustain, we'll just have to wait and watch

yeah but delaying a project always generates uncertainty

You know you are not really sympathetic if you show off your luxury watch like that, right?

who's launching anything in bearmarket?

some kind of ppl just don't wanna wait, want make x5 doing nothing

also who cares about that fucking dex

Fuck rango and that shitty movie

who cares cuck

Uncertainty is better than getting rekt in my humble opinion

Leave OP alone, he may have no friends at all

how can this be cuck?

rango best western movie

I agree, it would be suicidal, good thing is that they already have a working product ,

Everyone could be a cuck

welp then you cannot be helped, get anal fucked by the market

there are better platforms of course, call me a pajeet but Rango has potential.

Didn't you know that everybody is a cuck? it's like saying hey dude, but instead you use hey cuck, sorry I'm very high

this world is all about cucking or being cuckooed.

hello there, I'm market

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not as high as my earnings this week
