What other ways of making relatively safe passive income in this little gay speculation-based market are there...

What other ways of making relatively safe passive income in this little gay speculation-based market are there? I don’t have the equipment required to mine any meaningful amount of money, I don’t have the capital to stake/farm any meaningful amount of cash.

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lately ive been usin stepn but idk seems solid but not making mutch in the state I am


you don't really need to invest that much money on to start gaining passive income, there are many options nowadays

dont you have to invest like 3k upfront to start earning?

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have they released their open beta yet?

Hard bait

that's a lot of money, but I don't think thats true

Even so a little investment for greater returns is always wanted, right?

Yeah ofc 3k a fucking pair of shoes, jsut about to get another pair to walk in all fours, also will have my children to do so.

That sounds like a strategy, get some dogs, and put shoes on them LMAO

It's the base of the market broski you spend your money to make more money

do you think 3k is a little fucking invesment? lmao most people getting into crypto are desperate to get easy money bc they either lazy or cant work otherwise do you think the average cryptotard has 3k lying around to invest in a random app?

who the fuck buys NFT's shoes?

why not?

collectors? people with lotsa money?

Same kind of people that buyed pvu and got rich first months

nobody talked about nfts dawg

People with money i guess you dont fit into em

still it isn't as if there weren't shoes that expensive

well is it?