The only people who are unironically interested in SNE are a bunch of easily gullible nerds...

The only people who are unironically interested in SNE are a bunch of easily gullible nerds. Imagine being so easily deceived by a Jap. I bet they’re also massive fuckig weebs.

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>are a bunch of easily gullible nerd
nerds who will get a lot of money

yeah, right. nigger

>Imagine being so easily deceived by a Jap. I bet they’re also massive fuckig weebs.

Alright, I am a weeb. But that doesn't mean I follow SNE because of that...

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Anyways, it will be something like wtfast? I read that they are going to have some kind of this type of characteristic.

sne is a fucking dead project

>The only people who are unironically interested in SNE are a bunch of easily gullible nerds
stop lying, nobody is interested in SNE.

The 72,4 followers on tw disagree with you.

I guess so, I've read something about their cofounder being the pioneer of networking on SEGA

Bullshit, they are more alive than ever. Announcing the beta and the DEV diary right now is when they are starting to do something with their project.

pic related is literally you

All willing to give all their personal data and the entire power of their CPUs/GPUs for a fee on SNE lmao

0.0002 usd rn, really?

Even if they are alive, when is the fucking project going to be released?

We have to wait for the project to officially go to market and start selling its services to hypergrowth companies.

And how many years do you think it will take? Right now they are thinking of launching a beta.

Saito-sama is one of the pioneers in networking in general in Japan. He did the first full working console that had enough capacity in a lot of ways to use with no trouble the internet in that time

something else to add to my passive income project list


>And how many years do you think it will take?
Being a SNE holder must be living in hell itself.

Nigger no Faggot XXVII