Are these the greatest wrestlers of all time?

Are these the greatest wrestlers of all time?

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Are these the greatest cards of all time?

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god damn smarks are retarded

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Hulk Hogan is the GOAT brother hands down. No one else has or ever will come close

I like how Jungle Boy is there only because he always does the same stupid overchoreographed shit in his matches like the bucks

Autistic Jewish snowflakes mean fuck all. Go back.

Are these the greatest wrestlers of the 80s?

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>Not Hulk Hogan at 1

aaaaaaaaand dropped

Are these the greatest wrestlers of the 90s?
Ranking of Americans:
>Stan Lane (overall #37)
>Debbie Malenko (overall #41)
>John Laurinaitis (overall #50)
>Taiyo Kea (Overall #59)
>Shawn Michaels (Overall #66)
>Terry Funk (Overall #68)

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Are these the greatest wrestlers of the 00's?

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Are these the greatest wrestlers of the 2010s?

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Are these the greatest wrestlers of the 2020s?
>I thought Cody's highest being 5 stars was a mistake and he got it from the dustin match somehow but dave unironically gave the ladder match 5

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looks like a sega rally credits screen


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>the highly respected Wrestling Observer Newsletter

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>Average weighted star rating
Terrible metric. If you're in a mid-sized fed, big Dave only bothers to watch and rate your biggest matches. That's a biased sampling compared with someone working at a larger fed, where he'll watch every match you have.

Then there are matches like Jay White vs. Alex Shelley that he'll never bother to watch, much less rate, and which was far better than the dogshit he likes.

lol Rikishi. Damn Dave has the shittiest taste in wrestling. I don't agree with any of these lists