I’m in a complete savage roller coaster that only goes down, I swear to kek I’m about to kill myself...

I’m in a complete savage roller coaster that only goes down, I swear to kek I’m about to kill myself, I just need the chance to do it, but I don’t want to waste the time to get into rango before dying, who knows

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Nahh skip rango, just get yourself a sharp knife and take a bath. Just do it, it won’t hurt at all

what a strange shill... please kill yourself

>get into rango
I feel you, watching a good movie before suicide is always a good idea.

>I just need the chance to do it

Dude.how hard it is to grab a knife and cut your wrists? dying is the easiest shit ever, you know what's hard? to live in bear market

I think that's what he's trying to do

Exactly. What’s the worst what can happen? Failing at suicide is like you get another chance anyway

Don't do it

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Im going to do it because you stole my pic

I don't understand that last rango sentence, learn how to English first

don't do it user

Failing at suicide might leave you paraplegic, so yeah that's even worse than death in my opinion

Give him a reason

Why do you people spend so much effort shilling a dex aggregator

The only reason for you to live is some pajeet dex? dear god that's pathetic

I was thinking the same, so annoying lmao

Sorry for looking like you if I cry

He is probably worth it

If I got a shitcoin for every suicidal user in bear market I would have as many shitcoins as rango has

Rango is a pretty good dex to be honest, but I got your point. There are no people who are shilling better ones like 1 inch for an example

paraplegic or deaf

to spite your enemies


I'm the owner

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