I need projects with on-going or incoming bullish activities, got some bucks to throw in

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You fucking idiot, do you really think there's any bullish activity around this?
Fell by %5 yesterday. Don't seethe too hard about it.

What's funnier is that there's a whole bunch of proof that Ryoshi - the founder of your shitcoin, dropped your ass down as soon as the project started and now he's nuked all the fucking articles and you're going to be left seething harder.

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I'm honestly so fucking tired of seeing you copefaggots cry about your shitcoins on and on and on but you had an opportunity to use your greed to fuel you to make more and cut it out in no time.

Yes, it was a good coin to ride high on and make balances but then now there's nothing left off it

Sylo, Xmr, Opct, Rfox

I know a really good token that is cross-chain functional and has utility for pajeets and other poors, but I'm not spilling the beans until the next dump when I refill my bags. sorry bros. next time

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He’s gonna have one less coke fuelled ladyboy fuck session before offing himself.

If you really had to get into dog coins why didn't you ever even bother to look into coins like Vita Inu?
They're literally the only ones offering truly fastest and feesless transfer opportunity while being the only memecoin in the Metaverse.

So that's not just functionality, but memeability + Metaverse (growing industry) + Value provision = Win Win !

Attached: VitaInu.png (434x429, 206.64K)

I agree. it was a rugpull made slow rugpull because of the hype. why are there so many dogcoins anyways? i still don't get it.

Shib is a retarded shitcoin, but
>I only buy things that are going up at this exact moment
Enjoy staying poor

Simply because they had to find another way to continue the absolute bullshit.
If they did it too obviously - they wouldn't have the opportunity to come up with crap like Shibarium to rug more of them the second time around, right?

Blah blah blah, the only thing that is right in this entire fucking shill is that Metaverse is a growing industry. Having a memecoin there will do nothing


i see these threads every time i come here. if he can wait another week then i'll tell him about my wonderful low cap coin

That wasn't the point of my message.
I wanted to say that it was ridiculous to see all the Shibbagies cope so hard about a coin that has been dropping like crazy and shows no value. It was meant to just be used as a pump and dump and all it did was die out. And shibbagies are coping too damn hard with it.

So what now? We all go back to 2021 and buy back random shitless jpegs and then whine about it?

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I've converted my alts to Btc and Eth. I hold only Sol and this is mainly so that I'll be able to mint some Honeyland genesis cards.

>55m users and growing fast
>27 BAT spread amongst the current amount of brave users is the entire supply
>dapp store coming that will result in tons of partnerships, announcements, and bat usage added to their projects
>circ supply is maxed
>ad campaigns growing (brave.com/transparency)
>search ads coming soon which will increase ad buys by a lot
>14% of bat remaining on exchanges and decreasing fast
>increasing opt-in rate for rewards
>self-serve ads beta by eoy
>pay with bat coming soon which will not require kyc to spend bat from rewards wallet
>brave on the verge of going viral
>brave search usage increasing exponentially
>brave still in growth phase and actively hiring

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Teh Gold 1

thank me later

Nope, you could've been better off just investing in coins that are investing in development of Metaverse rather than just having some random games or some random generic bullshit.

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