UK: "Cost of living crisis"

Is this a genuine crisis or more akin to a media-driven artificial crisis?
Is this a good time to be holding precious metals? How about crypto?

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you fuckin with yo meter there mate

its real because most people are not only broke they are dumb niggers who cant handle needing £20 a week more since they burn all their money within two days of getting it

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He failed to punctuate correctly at the last leg.

After seeing the price increase on my weekly shop, I'd hate to be back workign a bar job like I did in the past, user. Let's put it that way.

My energy bill went for £50 to £80 in April. Living in a modern flat keeps it low for me, but I imagine Deano's paying out the ass to heat that lockdown hot tub right now.

Fair enough but I don't understand why people are shocked
Inflation of the money supply = inflated prices

Can't afford to move out me moms house, conceded I'll never own a home so idgaf let it burn to the ground.

I think people get it, it's just the speed and the size of the increase that's a shock, especially if they're already living on a budget.

Is this a conspiracy by the powers that be to reduce energy consumption by the masses?

Housing is the only true crisis. Energy, food etc. can all be kept quite low, and in any case, the costs are determined by natural market forces. Housing and rent are propped up by debt-based pyramid schemes. Can't afford a 25 year mortgage? How about a 30 year one? How about a 40 year one? It's literally just a race to the bottom. If rent and housing costs were actually kept in check by literally just preventing people from leveraging their entire life's work against the purchase, no one would seriously struggle to make ends meet. As it stands, people are struggling because half or more of their salary goes to a bank or landlord.

Also, what the fuck is wrong with being cold. Just wrap up and be more active, then be a little chilly. If you need heating to survive then you are a parasite and a disgrace to your ancestors.

Only faggots care about that

the eternal bong will do nothing but cope. truly the most cucked nation to have ever existed. the absolute worst fall from grace of any nation on earth.

>Is this a genuine crisis?
increasing inflation *and* increasing interest rates in a debt-based service economy. check. eroded social and job security. check. dwindling relevance on the world stage. check. I dunno user, doesn't sound like it's media-driven to me.

This is the answer. Free money ruins everything. Higher education is the same, there is no price competition among institutions because the system is based around giving anyone gigantic debilitating loans. You should be able to afford education on a part time job and finish with no debt and you should be able to buy a house outright if you save up wages for a few years.

>t. faggot who has never gone 3 days without heating in winter

>Free money
Debt isn't free user. It's a way of taking from people who have nothing.

Can't argue with that
I'm looking to emigrate

Same, this October there is another rise happening, winter 22-23 is gonna be an actual struggle.

We could all spoon each other to keep warm
No, I'm definetly not lonely