How do we hold billionaires accountable to contributing to society?

How do we hold billionaires accountable to contributing to society?

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If that cunt had a billion dollars. He would be more insufferable than Gates or Bezos or any of those faggots.

This is what leftists ACTUALLY believe.

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I know this is a bait thread and leftism is a religious cult but let me explain why this is wrong.

When people hoard(save) money, it means they are not consuming resources, they're postponing consumption. The act of saving pushes down prices, allowing everyone else to consume resources. If every billionaire gave all of their money and gave it to the working class and the workers spent that money, it would just cause massive price increases and shortages. The working class is ALREADY receiving virtually all of the consumer goods in the economy.

The exact opposite of what this leftist cuck is saying is true.

these retards literally think net worth = cash sitting in a savings account

even if it was cash in an account, it wouldn't ever be enough to pay for their retarded programs

We must all defend billionaires, one day we might become them too. Capitalism is the best thing to have happened to humanity. Hail globalism!

I think all billionaires should be forced to work at McDonalds in an shitty American city for a year

>We must all defend billionaires, one day we might become them too.
This argument is fucking retarded.
Just because I want to leave people alone and let them create economic growth for society doesn't mean I think I'm going to become a billionaire one day.
>Capitalism is the best thing to have happened to humanity.
Unironically this, and socialism/social democracy should be put down violently.

Stop bootlicking the government and central banks you subhuman animal.

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I don't understand this ending world hunger talking point. It's actually a thing leftists truly believe it seems. Like giving every single person in the Congo $1 million each will miraculously end their food insecurity problem. Not sure which non-existent, fully-stocked and clean supermarket chain they can visit to spend that money, never mind the warlords stealing it.

Commies all think billionaires keep their money in sacks in a room in their mansions like Scrooge McDuck. They literally base their economic policy on the cartoons they watched as children.

For those of you who know nothing about money management, billionaires INVEST their money. They buy stock in transportation, agriculture, manufacturing, energy, mining, etc. They invest in commercial and residential real estate. They loan money to governments through bond purchases. If you were to confiscate $6 trillion in private funds from billionaires, they would need to sell all of those assets. You would crash all of those markets and send governments into insolvency.

Furthermore, every single one of the problems listed would remain unchanged. So, basically, it's a perfect policy for the Biden administration.

>You would crash all of those markets and send governments into insolvency.
Oh no...

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How do we make YOU accountable for contributing to society, pal?

>if you just throw more money at problems, they go away
Absolute state of leftards.

>Wealth = stolen wages
Communism is literally a perpetual midwit meme

this is your brain on ronald reaganstein

How about you start by inflating all my wealth away. Oh and why not lock me up for 2 years too

>t. posted from my iphone that I ordered off amazon while using the free wifi at starbucks
Indeed fucking billionaires dont contribute anything that I like

and you're so retarded that you're bootlicking people the very people the keep you permanently wage slaved

many such cases

You people literally believe in the opposite of reality. What the fuck is wrong with you?
You eat up leftist propaganda from the asshole of sam seder, bernie sanders and hasan piker. You people literally believe inflation is caused by "corporate greed".

This is literally a myth. Reagan massively increased the size of government and it's only grown since then. Shouldn't you bootlickers love him?

>permanently wage slaved
It's the government and central banks that YOU support that did that you fucking moron.
Keep sucking central banker cock.


>t. a conservative making 80k/yr who bought into all the bullshit rich people say