Seriously now you cucks. Does anyone here have any clue if this shitshow is over? How worst will it get...

Seriously now you cucks. Does anyone here have any clue if this shitshow is over? How worst will it get? Should i just sell everything and wait?

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Pro-tip: Go outside. Best investment advice I can give you.

You are all useless. All you know is gamble on shitcoins

Ugh sauce?

Answer my question first

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What…? No, you never sell at a loss. You buy now while it’s cheap and wait for the next bill run

Take your coins to the grave if you have to but NEVER sell at a loss

Number one rule of Any Forums. Nobody... and I don't care if you're Warren Buffet or if you're Jimmy Buffet. Nobody knows if a coin is gonna go up, down, sideways or in fucking circles. Least of all, autistic gamblers.

sell now


>Take your coins to the grave if you have to but NEVER sell at a loss

source plz

Im only invest on stocks no coins. Im at a profit still.

imo the fed unwinding its balance sheet signals the bottom. the dollar is not fixable. the material change, starting tomorrow, is the fed selling assets it bought high to buyers who will be quite happy to buy low. maybe we'll float around this level for awhile, but we have a number of bullish catalysts on the horizon irrespective of the 6 month decline begging for a reversal. assets coming in cheap from the fed, the inflation narrative peaking as they cap off with one or two more 0.5% raises and then back off, the war in ukraine finally moving on and putin allowing grain to ship out, midterms coming and the need to make economic outlook under dems look good, perhaps other things i'm forgetting. now sauce

assets coming in cheap from the fed is bearish, not bullish

there's a buyer for every sale user. it would be different if the fed was dumping at ath, but it isnt, the market has had six months to wind down in preparation for the fed being forced to sell all the trash it bought on the runup to ath. cash has been accumulated for this moment and it begins tomorrow

post the sauce and I'll answer your question.

2 More intelligent answers and ill tell the sauce.

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Who buys from the fed?


they're selling garbage low rate bonds that nobody really wants, but a good deal of them will be forced to buy. the bonds that are available on the market post rate hikes are far better than what the fed is selling. cash is sitting around in preparation for that, not the fed assets. and this will only reverse when the arbitrage opportunities for banks from the fed rate / market rate disparity start coming to an end.
in other words: the rate situation by itself makes things crab for a while if expectations for fed action don't change. but since the rate situation also chokes out the economy and demand, things slowly crab down to price in that worse outlook.

2 more intelligent answers first

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Fallen doll: operation lovecraft

The FED needs to raise rates to at least 5% to counter inflation. After that, they can lower rates and the bull can resume.
I personally think the FED will chicken out when major industries start to go belly up and demand a bailout.

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It's too late to sell - if you sell now, you're more likely to miss out than to lose more.
They're plan to blame an economic collapse on Putin isn't panning out and they need to manage the economy in such a way as to not tank everything right before November's elections.
Maybe a couple more token rate hikes, but it's doubtful that the market will go much lower - if anything they'll manufacture some kind of success story to bolster Dems chances.

You cuck

Get fucked lol

Thanks, bro