How the fuck did she fool people for 10+ years? Not just anybody but some of the largest corporations...

How the fuck did she fool people for 10+ years? Not just anybody but some of the largest corporations. What are the financial implications and how do I profit from this?

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were they fooled? or did they see a scam to make money off of with a free pass to play the victim once she took the fall

>Companies have a few tiers
>CEO only versed in business but not necessarily technical
>Sales people that have zero technical understanding
>Product owners that have very high level technical understanding but not enough to smell bullshit
>Technical workers that actually create the product and know it's bullshit
She had charisma and sold as a CEO to other CEO and sales level venture capitalists. They didn't understand the underlying tech and didn't care to.

Shes the female pennywise. Fucking creepy

She's a kike. Kike trust kikes, but the kike queen outkiked the kikes.

How the fuck did the military even fall for this shit?We're absolutely fucked aren't we and this was in 2008.

Pretty blonde white woman. This isn't a mystery, user. It's the quadruple threat.

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happens more than you'd think

Shit, I forgot "young." Quintuple threat.

people think that the rich are shrewd and scrupulous masters of business and finance. in reality they're usually dumbass boomers or greedy kikes whose eyes light up when they hear the promise of big money. you saw the same shit when that kike bernie madoff got pinched for kiking fellow kikes.

Two things: She fooled a lot of less savvy investors through hype and promises. Devoss and others thought they were getting inside scoop and were financially annihilated and I kek. Second this was during a time when VC was booming and you could pretty much throw money wherever and 10x it at a minimum. And if you didn't jump on a deal there were nine others who would. It led to an environment where no one was doing the DD because they didn't want to miss out on a deal. Some of the savvy investors who did get in realized it was BS pretty fast and got out.

Well people are retarded, just look at Do Kwon. His Rug pull 3.0 is already getting traction after being already known to Rug pull 2 projects before that.

i used to work at GlaxoSmithKline in r&d around the time this was happening. there is basically absolutely zero chance this could / should have happened given the scale of the wank claims she was making and the need for things like due diligence. it has to have been some kind of pump and dump tax evasion bay area wokism scam. i even tried doing things like finding the hundreds if patents she supposed wrote, which don't exist and take all of minutes to check.

it had henry kissinger of the board ffs. lol. i mean... why. and then just randomly jumped in value to a few billy after she held a centrifuge vial up at ted talks. even a pharmaceutical company like GSK wouldn't spend anywhere near that on something and it'd need a lot of evidence attached to it.

Thanks for sharing, never heard of that. Amazing what levels of bullshit people are willing to believe and even more amazing that others can concoct them and present them with a straight face

I think a lot of it was that the media wanted to believe. A young woman, supposedly brilliant, creating an exciting new company was just too good of a story. And like I said earlier, no one was doing DD back then.

ah, classic.

Nobody knows what the fuck they are doing

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What exactly did she do, I never really cared for the story back when it was on the news

She looks like a female Mark Zuckerberg, she's ugly as fuck my dude. Maybe she was hot as a teen but those days are long gone.

Simps, just because you’re rich and powerful doesn’t make you not a simp

>how do I profit from this?
Elon is doing the same thing with his fake gay robots. Short Tesla.

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I know one of these types. Blonde marketing dyke. Totally pretentious, obnoxious sjw slob, but many are unable to see through it. She's just a slick talker with a pretty face. If you actually listen to what she's saying and look at what she does, there's nothing there.