People here thought ETH was going to flip BTC

people here thought ETH was going to flip BTC

Attached: cringepepe.jpg (798x644, 41.03K)

people here think?

It will, institutions like ETH more, ETH has all the actual use cases. Smart contracts on ETH are the only real world use case with actual adoption in crypto, BTC maxis are mentally ill.

Eth is the altavista or Netscape of smart contract platforms. It will die a slow death. Don't get caught.


There's people here?

Ok turkroach.

There's a here?

ok ETH chud
maybe in 10 years your project will be used in the real world for more than trading monkey pictures, but not any time soon

BTC is the GMOS of crypto

>FUDs bored apes
Lmfao, you wouldn't have touched BTC in the early years, that's the same exact midwit bullshit retards used back then. Bored apes have real utility and value by the way, but you're too poor to ever afford one :^).


poor and a loser. I own 5 bored apes.

my net worth is $1.2m. not rich but not bad. what's a bored ape worth?

Floor of 85 ETH, they are less than 5% of my total portfolio. They are also extremely undervalued at the current prices and will be 1000+ ETH by 2025, ETH will be at minimum $20k by then. I also trade forex with TA and make around $200k per week.

No just pajeets

>make around 200k per week

"Institutions" will not use some shit chain that costs 100 dollars per transaction, retard

when i said my net worth was $1.2m i meant using the british pound from around the year 1720 (it's just the baseline of what i use when talking about money, confusing to some people though), and i was also excluding my BTC which i own 5,000,000 of and it's like 15% of my portfolio, so sounds like we're both doing ok

Holy cringe larp, at least use believable numbers and don't let your insecurity seep through the screen so obviously