/OPG/ Optimism General #1

Binance listing confirmed, what are your plans? Holding? Selling half? Not even touching it?


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Like woah dude totally cool I am down with this like barely legal sweet underage token Optimism it's like so cool and would totally rock a pizza night with you and other cool devs in an EPIC exposed RED BRICK barcade and we all play MARIO KART BING BING WAHOO


It is a period of Civil War between the reigning Layer Two solutions. The Trans Rebel Alliance, working in secret from within the MEV mafia, has sided with the totally cool and awesome Optimism Devs to peacefully extract the maximum amount of MEV from users to safely deliver HRT to children all over the galaxy and defeat the evil CIS Empire

I am a heterosexual male looking to make money. Please maintain an educated discussion or leave.

dude how do we connect multiple wallets on this? Every time I clear cache and reconnect it reconnects the previous wallet even though I had switched metamask to a new wallet

Got a nice bag at .88. Where are my OPchads at?

Attached: peak comfy.png (1024x683, 1.02M)

When is the listing?? Can I only buy on uniswap or what?

It’s already up 2x from bottom but $7B market cap

I'd sell half if it hit $4
Might sell 2/3 if it only hits 3 tho

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1. Bridge your ETH to Optimism using celer bridge
2. Buy on Zipswap dot fi, it's the fastest and most accurate echange on optimism
3. Enjoy

is that circulating or fully diluted?

fully diluted

dude wut do you even believe in ETH? Vitalik said HRT for every child. No child left behind in the war against the evil CIS empire
Thank Vishnu for MEV

I’m all in smart chain right now and this shit is pumping. Major bummer. How hard could this realistically pump if it’s already $8bn

>price dumped already
top kek

besides this token will slowly fade away as Ethereum moves towards ZK tech instead of Optimistic tech
just compare the money being spent on Optimistic tech development vs ZK tech development

Zksync alone has been granted $200 million from BitDAO to develop ZkDAO. and thats not mentioning all the other ZK centric projects getting funded as well

Yeah but Optimism donates more money from MEV to the trans alliance and helps hundreds of children transition so it is better

Circulating mcap is like 100m

>I am a heterosexual male looking to make money. Please maintain an educated discussion or leave.

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all my shit is on zksync

ive never used OP before. how can i qualify for future airdrops?
what does OP even do if ETH is used for everything on chain?

qrd on zksync?

i had on my shit on polygon because of the low transaction fees. then some user said i was gay and told me to place everything on arbitrum. Now i have everything on arbitrum.
is zk better?