Banned from eBay due to chink abuse

I've been banned from eBay after demanding about $1000 worth of unjustified refunds from chink sellers. I'm pretty happy with this. I'm up to my neck in about $1000 worth of free titanium cookware. Titanium is just lovely.

So, how do I do this again? I guess I'll need a new IP address, so a VPN would cover that. A new address is easy enough, because my mother's cousin is obliging. But it remains to be seen how I can pay eBay under a new name. Is there such a thing as a pseudonymous debit card, a debit card under a false name? Can I get a debit card using my initials instead of my full name?

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Hook us up with some titanium bruv

Would a prepay card and make up a name work? I haven’t used anything other than one card

holyshit kek youre pathetic

Chinese people aren't human, they are insects. Stealing from insects is morally defensible.

GR8 BUYER NO ISSUE WUD SELL 2 AGEN A++++++****++++***+++++****++++

You will always be poor.
Use any name you want and obfuscate your CC number

t. butthurt chankoro

Nigger behaviour

the only thing worse than the chinese are thiefs

You have a 3 inch penis and your own women rate you as unattractive in all dating studies.

kek based

I highly doubt these things are actually titanium

He didn't buy All-Clad, NGMI

My titanium is for blood relations only

Yeah, they kind of shot themselves in the foot there

I was skeptical because chinks, but it's clearly a new kind of metal. It's harder than aluminium, lighter than steel, it cools down in minutes. It has different acoustic properties, like how silver has that hollow ring to it, except this sounds more dense

What exactly are you doing break it down. So I heard you can open up a virtual card on Minecraft internet and pay for pickaxe and gems through a third party on Minecraft

Holy BASED. FUCK chinks, chink scammers ("sellers"), and FUCK the jew platforms that encourage and enable them and their scum behavior (Amazon especially).

Every one of us should be scamming the eastern insect, and the jews they work with. Hell half the time you'd just get a box with a brick in it, or some cheap cancer-causing shit.

Attached: old-man-laughing.png (640x480, 20.32K)

based scamming the scammers


>finessing finess city

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