Optimism is not even in the top 2500 coins in crypto by marketcap rn

Is it a good time to buy? Imo it's about to buss buss to top 1000 easy, fr fr

Attached: Screen Shot 2022-05-31 at 4.13.09 PM.png (632x414, 140.29K)

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>buss buss
>fr fr
>how to get people to not buy your bags

fr fr no cap

Like woah dude totally cool I am down with this like barely legal sweet underage token Optimism it's like so cool and would totally rock a pizza night with you and other cool devs in an EPIC exposed RED BRICK barcade and we all play MARIO KART BING BING WAHOO


It is a period of Civil War between the reigning Layer Two solutions. The Trans Rebel Alliance, working in secret from within the MEV mafia, has sided with the totally cool and awesome Optimism Devs to peacefully extract the maximum amount of MEV from users to safely deliver HRT to children all over the galaxy and defeat the evil CIS Empire

No. It's too much hassle for mass adoption. Polygon is where it's at

thats fdv u fucktard
do some research if u have time to type retarded shit here

VCs got all the tokens

i just made $1k trading this shit and i have absolutly no idea what it is or does

Does anyone know what the circulating / total supply of this is? I used optimism but not enough to get the airdrop

Go back to tiktok


There’s only 5% circulating supply at the start + 56m of 214m have been claimed so far. Wouldn’t be surprised if this hits between $5-$10 considering it’s an L2 token compared to ENS/UNI


Just buy Bitcoin you stupid FAGGOT


whats the point of OP if everything on chain uses ETH?

>Just buy this piece of shit and in 3 years your $50k might be $150k

governance meme

dumped this shit at $2, got $2000 for free god i love crypto

lol same

Attached: 1484885290063.jpg (460x460, 47.33K)

This is going for $3.3 on coinbase wtf