Are lab grown meat companies a good investment?

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Lab grown meat is gonna be so fucking dope, Ima eat elephant and fucking eagle or some shit

Yeah bro, just check out the Beyond Meat stock

Down 60% from open

buy the dip, bro!

just wait until that shit reaches price parity with actual meat, money to be made off goyslop goyim

lmao no, you're going to be eating human cancer cells and you vil be hapi.

Passing by that section in the grocery store is depressing. Such a sad and neglected area lol I've never seen anyone even casually interested in the BM items.


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You vill eat ze children and be happy


Since the overwhelming market move has been away from industrial beef towards grass-fed in the last five years, it seems that consumer sentiment is running very strongly away from such an abomination.

Beyond Meat aren't a meat cloning company you cunt.
>unless they are and I didn't know

Could be. But aren't folks here looking for 4000% this year. None of the cultured meat companies are going to rise that much in price in a year when they are just setting up pilot plants.

I've eaten worse, like your mom's pusse-ay heh


Labgrown meat =/= fake bullshit vegan cuckmeat you retard.

Are you just trying to be stupid on purpose?

As a consoomer of non meat, beyond meat is tasty. Its also hit pizza hut, starbucks, mcdonalds or burger King I forget which and more. So I bought in, currently down but I'm not worrying longer term. Hard Rock chose moving mountain but that's harder to buy in supermarkets. Beyond I can get anywhere.

No they aren't but as someone that hasn't touched meat for health reasons for years I won't touch lab grown. You also will never convince veggies or vegans to eat it on principle, I've asked and every single one won't, ironically as it's "still meat" but meat eaters won't as its "not real meat". Major perceptions to overcome. To me, best bet is alternatives.

so your entire diet consists of processed foods? do Americans consider this healthy

I'm a vegetarian for ethical reasons, have been for 20 years and I am pretty excited about lab grown meat
Most vegans/vegetarians are annoying fags though so it wouldnt surprise me if they refuse to eat it