Muh infinite population growth

How did societies in the past even function without requiring every generation to have 10x more people than the previous generation?

Attached: population of the world.png (768x547, 191.95K)

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Jews haven't been thrown out of every country for the better part of 1000 years for nothing

this goes on a lot nowadays huh?

Consequence of debt ponzi world

they just existed and weren't obsessed/subservient to jewish fetishes like "muh economic output."

They didn't pay more in pensions and social security than what they could afford.

Non population based growth in productivity such as manufacturing lines, robotic automation, and gmos.

Significantly more land back then and people lives shorter life spans

>Significantly more land back then
they lived on a much larger planet, you see

They all died of diseases from overpopulation
Or famines
Or diseases caused by weaken immune systems from a famine
Or wars
or famines and diseases caused by wars...
You get the picture

Attached: 1653957156197-pol.png (1024x551, 792.41K)

how much of that are cargo cult africans?

Kek that growth projection, the vax is gonna destroy fertility.

i'm surprised it doesn't say 1.09%

So jews.

We have a Ponzi population curve

Attached: 6660090E-E86A-4108-8F09-F5C33989C089.png (693x496, 42.48K)

i was reading a while back about how china has that same kind of mystical number as they do in the west, the 144,000, who will be saved by god if they live in accordance with the state religion. i wonder how many times the vatican has broken the seal on the plague jar across history. it would probably knock your socks off to know the truth of things

They had regular plagues and wars to thin out their numbers.
It's an unpopular opinion, but I'll say it.
Modern medicine and nuclear weapons are the two main inventions that have forced humanity to stagnate.

Feel free to die of preventable diseases.

In a non-globalized Amerified hell, there is no need for constant economic growth. That's how they did it in the past. The other side of that coin is no smartphones nor bing bing wahoos.

plans long laid

Why are Jews always to blame when Stacey wants to get railed by the biggest thickest dick while riding a Porsche instead of making babies? Why do they get the blame for John who doesn't want to work a manual labor job for $18/hr and go start a family and instead wants to jerk off for fun?

Because they made the shit that subverted both of those people to other desires. You answered your own question chud.

>why does a foreign minority have trouble riding herd on the majority since 300ad when their proto-marxist cults took over

They didn't use fiat. The current banking system is built on infinite growth.

So Jews created all forms of materialistic desire that people demand?? Holy fuck they must be some kind of demi god creature.
Doesn't actually explain anything. Maybe if Stacey would stop posting her ass in panties on Instagram in hopes for a new designer bag and could actually go build a relationship with poorfaggot John working a basic job, they could actually have some form of real success instead of slow hedonistic materialistic death.

They didn't have stuff like social security and they had few investment securities or none. The function of social security was done by your children supporting you when you get old. However, few people were old and most died before ever getting to that age.

the petulant whine followed by the incredibly weak attack. you're not going to survive the coming tribulations