What are the implications of this policy???

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It’s too late for that. The Chinese demographics got fucked by the one child policy too hard. China is literally the fastest aging population in the world.

I don't know but I hate Chinese people.

The west will copy this and mostly men will move out, because marriage laws in most countries (I am assuming china too) put men in a complete disadvantage. Short China in other words.

They still have the slave trade. They keep retarded women in cages and sell children. Why would this have any effect on this braindead civilisation?

Only solution at this point for China is "Minimum 3 Child policy". You get the bullet if you don't have 3 kids by 40.

Either that or the "1 Grandparent Policy".

>Not enough Chinese women for all their men
>Men still get taxed
Seems like a shittier deal for the men.

Ummm yea I'm thinking based

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What do you think Roe V Wade being repealed is about? It's not about christian values it's about pushing population numbers up because we're not breeding enough.

Decline in industrial output as the only competitive factors China has is low labour costs and environmental standards, and frankly speaking it'd be easier for men in industry to upskill or leave than get a wife with how the dating culture is in China as they sure as shit won't get a pay rise to compensate for the increase in tax as then manufacturing would leave as it's already in the process of doing.

could work. but i think they need to go further and add a large tax credit for having more than 2 children. no country has been able to solve their birth issues, aside from going all in religious zealot mode.

it wont work in the west due to fag marriage. ill just fake marry my brother for the discount

Incels rise up

holy mother of based

Even with it now gone it'll take years to get young couples into a comfortable enough economic standing to start having 1 child let alone multiple.

I'd just stop paying taxes
what are they gonna do? kill me? then I'd kill myself in the messiest way possible to cost the city tax dollars

Based thread

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>paying taxes

Just don't pay it lol

Fake news

This basically already exists in America due joint tax returns lmao

Even if every single woman marries, about 40% of Chinese men between 30 and 50 will be taxed.

Do they allow gay marriage?
Is this a fag tax?

No woman would tied down with an incel like u