Stakeholder Capitalism

Stakeholder Capitalism is the theory that firms should be accountable to their stakeholders instead of their shareholders. Meaning, instead of serving their owners and being accountable to their owners, they should cater to the desires of the nebulous “society.”

How can we profit from the world going stakeholder capitalism?

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Wouldn't state capitalism in a properly functioning democracy accomplish the same thing?

It's all just Schwabian bullshit bingo invented by the same elitist shitheads that are running the show into the ground.

commie faggot bs.

Stakeholder capitalism is where the gov bankers and corps are the shareholders of world chattle

You fucking short it obviously

Stakeholder capitalism is just capitalism but rebranded

Good luck convincing billions of people to work for everyone else.

It is human nature for people to be greedy. "Shareholder capitalism" requires that for them to gain wealth for themselves, they must do so by providing a good or service for someone else. It leverages people's natural greed for the benefit of society.

Also, "short-term profit" is generally not the goal. Businesses want long term profit. The ones that screw over their customers and suppliers to make a quick buck typically don't hold up over time. The most shortsighted people are those in government since they are frequently subject to reelection. They can't make sacrifices in the short term for long term gain because there's no guarantee they'll be there in the long term.

'stakeholder capitalism' is just the formal name for 'woke', it's just corporate leftism that aims to centralise all control over society. Kind of like the new fascism, except with rainbow flags instead of swastikas lol

Corporations should not be getting into politics. And lefties are basically begging them to and they cave.

It would be good if more companies weren't on the stock market. The companies that are tend to prioritize shareholders over everyone else including customers so customers end up getting a shitty product or service because the ceo keeps chipping away at quality to maximize profits. Things like ceo bonuses make it even worse. A lot of publicly traded companies have money pour in and barely do anything with it other than burn through it all spending it on junk like fancy offices and redundant marketing and hiring way too many people

Stakeholder Capitalism is Communism with Chinese Characteristics

Aka propping up big unprofitable corpses from the 20th century to keep the cattle employed and occupied for a few more years until it all collapses due to lack of tax revenue and debt implosion

What stake do you have as a nation-bound serf to rootless, global megacorps?

The stakeholder isn't you, the stakeholder is them. Take the consumerism pill.

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Just consoom product bro

Read, nigga, read.

Right-to-repair is a consumerist ethos. It results in consuming LESS product since consumers are the consideration. Every negative opinion you have about consumerism came out of the Marxist universities back in the 1960s.

I have mixed feelings about right to repair. On one hand, the owner of a product should be able to do whatever they want with it.

On the other hand, it seems to be proposed in a way that says "you're not allowed to offer a product to people unless it fits these guidelines, even if most of the customers don't care" which will ultimately be bad for the consumers because they either get fewer product offerings or higher prices.

literally just another name for being a corporate globohomoshill. it's leftoid fascism

but how can we profit from it?

Create a product that people want, then produce it efficiently and price it so millions of people can buy it

Communism rebranded

more wordgames from commies

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