5 Pillars of Crypto

Attached: 5-pillars-65431331-ss-1933.jpg (1920x1067, 281.08K)

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All else is null.

cringe at 2nd and 5th

Attached: cringepepe.jpg (798x644, 41.03K)

Cringing at you. Don't be stupid user.

Trueshit is fucking shit and gets destroyed as incompetent garbage in the arbitrum paper

Your contribution is appreciated.

>If I throw my shitcoins in the mix with the big boys it will heckin validate them bro

Thank you. Did you want me to screencap where exactly it explains how true it is an incompetent piece of shit or are you satisfied?

1 2 are crypto, others are tokens.

Yeah, Rose has no business being there.

Sir I disagree. Rose has contributions from the finest cryptographers in this space including gigachad Ari Juels. Trueshit has contributions from impressive people like we Felton too, but they are specifically written documents that break down how shit it is and why arbitrum is better.

I was probably the one that found the arbitrum paper that stated it's differences to Truebit in the OG tg. I was the first to bring it to attention silly goose.
Correct, and they entail their own utility and value.
Wrong. ParaTimes will allow for private companies to take advantage of blockchain tech.

Attached: fphylzlvibn31.jpg (545x581, 44.75K)

pls do

Nah I was trolling the other guy. Go look yourself lazy basterd.

price prediction for ROSE?

>the pilars of crypto are projects, not ideas or principles

Attached: eh.jpg (700x813, 53.66K)

>le epic crazy troll xD

Each project has its own ethos and vision. They have strict principles and that is why they will be successful in the long term.

So why shill an interior option as one of the 5 pillars?

Not sure what you are talking about. Arbitrum is just another L2 solution like Truebit. Truebit is on a whole different level though. Doesn't focus on transaction throughput like Arbitrum, it has a focus on transaction complexity.

Replace ROSE with monero and replace Trueshit with BNB. Easy fix.