Data maxing

More data has been created in the last year than in all of human history combined. Your goal as an individual should be to output data at maximum capacity. If data is the collective conscious of humanity, and data is used in models that are then applied to the world then it stands to reason that these models would be most like the entity which created the most data. As an individual you can impose your self onto the world by creating as much data as you possibly can.
I am in the process of creating a bot that will generate all possible permutations of a statement and automatically spam this across the web 24/7. My goal is to be the single individual that created the most data ever, and I plan to use this to manifest everything I ever wanted out of life. I believe I can shape society in my image just by producing mountains and mountains of data and brute forcing it into all of the major tech companies datasets.

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Godspeed user

bots are a real problem for tech companies nowadays.

someone tell me about the image

nigger killer

I don't even know what the guy did. I just thought it was a cool picture. Can I get a link to the story?

>NSA Supercomputer later has an intense hatred of niggers

This op make sure you dump redpills

Why not go the total opposite direction? Uncle ted is onto something

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Is that Tony hawk?

Based. I suggest worming through public networks and free wi-fi areas. Isuggest looking into 6G DAEMON systems for reference. (Literal demon AIs doing the same thing you state) Godspeed nigger.
KYS faggot, this world is Command and Conquer. Only one winner, and that is the one with the most.

data isn't the same as information, but good luck

See you on the other side

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What the fuck is wrong with his face

Yeah, basically shitpost to reality

He looks just like my oldest brother.

Demonic possession, unironically.

>tfw they can't stop the creation of a god fearing AI

coomer irl

Ok. What’s the statement?

> Inb4 worlds largest shitpost begins

i think it was in germany. the gas attendent told him to put on his mask so he shot him in the face or something. im paraphrasing