TRE (Trauma release exercises) to alleviate mental illness

This shit saved my life. The problem nobody realizes with mental health is it isn’t in your head but stress and trauma stored in your body. This is why talk therapy and meds don’t work.

The guy behind TRE David bercelli in collaboration with Peter Levine of Somatic Experiencing figured out two things. One was, wild animals never have long lasting effects of stress and anxiety after getting attacked by predators because they instantly tremor out the stress and trauma. So a croc snaps at a zebra, zebra freaks and gets away, tremors, then goes back to grazing 1 min later like nothing ever happened. He also noticed that in 3rd world countries when in bomb shelters that after a bomb went off the kids would naturally shake, but the adults wouldn’t. Because we have all been conditioned to think shaking is weakness. So the kids would shake and end up fine and the adults wouldn’t and would go on to develop PTSD.

But we have a built in mechanism to tremor and shake to release all this pent up stress and trauma and reset our nervous systems. So all these cops, vets, and tendie eating anime jerking off NEETS who want to kill themselves just need to tremor and they’ll be fine.

All of 2019 I wanted to kill myself from derealization and depersonalization (dissociation) brought on by anxiety and stress because of thyroid issues. Then I found somatic experiencing and the overlapping TRE exercises. SE didn’t really work but the TRE was magic and fixed me virtually overnight.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Main exercise is lie on ground put bottoms of your feet together with legs in a crab position and then raise your knees up a few inches and your legs will start to involuntarily tremor like your in an exorcism. And that is stress and trauma discharging from your body.

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Second exercise is lie in a position like your getting ready to do a sit up. Then put inner parts of feet together. Then knees together, then move your knees outward from each other anywhere from 1-8 inches until you find a sweet spot where your legs start convulsing.

Go slow with this though. Less is more. 5 mins is fine initially

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You fags should try this shit. It's not a meme.

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Tremor therapy works , I dunno about that fag shit

Can you make a Pepe doing TRE

This works

Thanks bro, I'll keep this tab open and look into this later. Sounds like bioenergetics. Personally I sit with bad posture to numb myself from feeling. I learned that from reading about bioenergetics

Thank you please never stop posting this

I've seen this nigga posting this on multiple boards for like two years now. Maybe it's a sign. I have PTSD that manifests in my lungs like a blockage and nothing can get rid of it.

>Iphone posting faggot

ive done this my entire life that i can remember. i have to do it with my ankles especially

Lmao and you haven’t tried it yet? What the fuck you waiting for

There you go

I've only ever been able to do leg shaking. I have no fucking clue how they get the chest and shoulders to shake, all my trauma is stored in the lungs so i need to get it out from there

lmfao I used to do this shit as a kid on the carpet just staring at the ceiling bored out of my mind. fasting + the HyperVolt gun also works wonders for trauma / stress / anxiety relief

I’m doing the crab one and I can’t shake
I can’t shake

congrats bro ur trauma free, go get an ice cream cone

Do wall sits for a minute or two. Or the warmup exercise in the video with the chicks

How do I get my upper body to shake? My dad used to beat me when I was younger. Bloodied my head twice. Must be some hidden trauma there

Push you legs to the side while doing it…or widen your legs as much as you can in the 2nd sit up position. Sometimes you almost gotta start consciously shaking your chest on its own and it’ll kick in. Even actually tremoring your upper body purposely works i think

I’ll help you little queer fags out as a vet who’s had ptsd for a decade, what works and what doesn’t. I’ll start with what doesn’t work, anti psychotics, ssri’s, Valium/xans/lorazapan all that shit, whatever is only if you’re suicidal; only if you’ve had some psychotic break from not sleeping and too much stress or drugs. Which I’ve had, these will destroy your life if you let them, traditional talk therapy is mostly bullshit, as in it doesn’t work UNLESS you have nobody to talk to, if you’re an isolated user with no friends or family, nobody to speak to then yes talk therapy beats nothing. What works best for ptsd therapy wise, EMDR works. Neurofeedback works. Tremor therapy works. But you need to be stable first, if you’re not sleeping, if you’re too fucked up then yes you’re not ready and medication etc may be worthwhile for a few months to stabilise your ass. What else works for ptsd, get your hormone panel done because prolactin can’t run high and also you can have low T which contributes to the lethargy . Gym works, boxing works, things that strengthen you make you feel “safer” in your own body which lowers stress. Angiotensin blockers work in low doses, no pre workout, limited caffeine helps. No stims, if you truly have ptsd stims will make your symptoms worse. Women will make your symptoms worse if you’re not stable, being stable is the key. Alot of you aren’t even there yet, staying up late will fuck your symptoms up. You should be in bed no later than 10 most nights. Fags will stay up til 3-4am most nights then complain about poor mental health, it’s stupid. If youre that bad your main concern is don’t die, from there down it’s about getting stable, catching up on sleep. Relaxing, dropping the cortisol and stress in your body, then doing the rest. I had ptsd as bad as you could imagine, psychosis from a Coke/gambling habit and still turned it around.My only regret was taking psych medication cos I knew no better

Congrats you are broken.

A therapist will program you to be a failure sitting on the sidelines of life just happy if you don’t rope, anons with ptsd need to lean into strength, not weakness. The more competent you get the more your brain/body will let go, if you’re a frail little turd who can’t fight after your dad kicked your ass for years of course you’re in a state of panic. As you should be. It can happen again at anytime, lean into strength and become something or be a little bitch your whole life

you don’t need to shake like you’re having a fit for it to work retard , especially if you’re in shape . Some will shake very little, others like they’re convulsing. you don’t need to shake your upper body either it’s all connected, what kinda retard wants to shake their head around?

Cold showers for parasympathetic activation/submerging your head to trigger the mammalian diving reflex, diaphragmatic breathing are also useful. Crying is also good.
Same. Cold showers and breathing exercises have been the most useful for that. There are also books like The Healing Dimensions that can help you identify the source of the trauma.

>Crying is also good.
bear market tings innit

>crying, cold showers, wim hoff
this can’t be .. a man

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sorry to hear. if you have stored up trauma it can be pretty intense to release, partly because your mind has decided not to want to feel certain feelings for a very long time. I had decades of anger stored up that finally reached a boiling point bc of pandemic stress. trauma release is very similar to peeling back layers on an onion, you might get anger one day then sadness, regret, shame, embarrassment, etc. you basically have to keep going until the event no longer feels like it has any intensity or power. as I said fasting can also help to uncover certain suppressed emotions as it weakens mental/spiritual defenses.

You only hate cold showers because ur too pussy to handle the discomfort