Recommend finance kino

recommend finance kino

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Uncut Gems

Rollover (1981)

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the sopranos

good one if you wanna get into waste management

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Why do people like this movie so much? It gets pretty boring after awhile, it's 100% dialogue and nothing happens the entire time

ozark and

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bump for good cinema.

Princes of the yen

Did you find that on

kino pacing, kino actors, kino dialogue. Just a good flick without billion dollar budget.

This felt like an unnecessarily depressing show
Didn't like it desu

haven't watched it but a friend recommended: Billions


Starts off alright but gets shit very quickly. There's a bong series from last year called industry which is good, or succession like said.

Boiler room starting Ben afflek and Giovanni ribisi as penny stock traders
Came out in 2000 and is underrated

legendary car scene where they called a dude faggot trader or something

I felt the same way about ozark
I stopped during the first season