Given voka’s past work...

Given voka’s past work, is it safe to assume that we can expect nude nfts that are actually made by people who know wtf they’re doing instead of something embarrassing like pornstarpunks

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Porn and wasting money. The two pillars of having a dopamine fried mind.

who tf wastes their money on porn stuff like that

well, most furry faggots i guess kek

>is it safe to assume that we can expect nude nfts
Have you seen their work in the nude? He can't draw women that well honestly.

Fucking zoomer with a graphics tablet, you think you could do better?

I still wonder to this day why is that a thing, do people get aroused with pixels?

would be a magnet for coomers with money.

Also, why do you need something like a pixel nft with tits, like, you cant use that as a profile pic, that would make you a loser

the art of the female body is a really beautiful thing, it doesn't just serve that kind of purpose. i would have a Voka artwork in my house.

Imagine spending thousands of dollars just to have a physical NFT in your living room.

Money people stuff, you wouldn't understand.

Artists like voka painting nude people its just like drawing anatomy instead of porn, you wouldn't get aroused, you would just admire the art and be fucking pretentious about it.

makes sense, but there are people who get aroused with fucking anything so idk user

>Artists like voka painting nude people its just like drawing anatomy instead of porn
The drawn porn industry is fucking millionaire, ask the furries.

If I understand it, it is a concept called ''money laundering''.

This is it, I officially don't understand NFT retards anymore, I think they are not human


Arties is worth it, both as an investment and as art.

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art is dead thanks to those fucking troons

I would hang that on my wall, but not as an NFT.


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