Rebasegg has rebranded TWICE in the span of like 2 months because of retarded twitter policies

>rebasegg has rebranded TWICE in the span of like 2 months because of retarded twitter policies
>it’s still standing strong
>despite their new handle being “rebasegg” which looks like “rebas egg” which is dumb
It’s incredible, really

Attached: DNa0bMFA51.jpg (600x650, 187.21K)

from dropp to ddrop, now rebase?

they want to copy pokemon, don't you see? they are evolving.

Now it's starting to look like a scheme or something

so right now they are a charizard?

Doing that shit over and over again looks suspicious as fuck, get away from that project while you can

When is their mega-evolution?

thats the thing kek, people who invested in rebase apparently cant sell their shit since the name change

Attached: do.jpg (1200x800, 45.05K)

holy shit, big brain scam like do kwon????!!!!

They are doing well, they are a kind of Pokemon GO with NFTs and a lot of profits in between. Having a couple of lands in LA turns out to be a profitable business.

I've read something about metaverses becoming passive income, does that apply to rebase?


dont bother about that shit, its a ponzi

so zoomers these days wont be chasing pokemon, now they would be chasing fucking nfts? this is slowly turning into a clown dystopian society

The problem is that they had a lot of copyright problems.

reBASE is a chink project?

Well, some metaverses offer airdrops if you own virtual lands, I guess the same applies with rebase, except I wouldn't really trust rebase when there're better metaverses out there

That's depressing

You can constantly make passive and active profits with this game. The truth is very good, it reminds me too much of pokemon GO. But this one has MONY.

Mega charizard is based.

Which one?