100x leverage is illegal in the United States

Because the organization that regulates futures and derivatives trading is boomer as fuck, but this is besides the point. It may be prohibited to offer the service, but is it prohibited to partake in leverage trading with a VPN? How would they even catch you? Tax season?

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If your coin goes .01$ in the wrong direction, you lose everything

Probably because they are aware of the scamwick tech.
Every update by KuCoin is to ensure more liquidations on futures

just buy some dai and trade with leverage on the ol gfarm

Apparently Marginex has features in place to prevent scam wicks

Apparently, I haven’t actually used it

What is the highest leverage you can do?

>No interesting trading pairs
Most interesting pair in gtrade is ADA or XLM for shorting. But there's nothing there. Last time I checked they even removed monero because of muh low liquidity. Also they limited yet again the max collateral

5x is the highest legit leverage allowed in crypto

Forex however is 100x by default and commodities futures have a large range. Chicago (((Merchantile))) Exchange has bitcoin futures but it’s boomer as fuck with something like 50k minimum to trade

Imagine if we had 200x kek

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lovelace is honestly nuts

>there's people staking on 200x
why bother anymore

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where's the guy that actually put his bags in there, do we have actual confirmation that the % is sustaineable?

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based cardanolover

honestly we all should start staking massively and tank the fucking bear market
im tired of everything dumping to hell and back

i have a hard time believing this is true

i have looked at the ctfc regulations and have found no law prohibiting americans from TAKING margin contracts. there are laws against GIVING margin contracts over a certain amount of leverage. this is effectively a ban against margin, but according to the legal code, you as an ordinary american are not expressly prohibited from taking leverage and it isn't a crime to do so. but obviously you aren't going to get leverage from "well-to-do" places, so enjoy your bucket shops that will rape you. regulation in action

It's perfectly fine to do so, just make sure to properly file your taxes

This was my sentiment, thanks for answering. Perhaps someone will make a high quality dex for margin where liquidity providers get transaction fees and interest ir something

assuming you are profitable at all

When the staking is over after whatever days pass the prices collapse because everyone is rushing to sell.

In California and can use 100X leverage on Kucoin. Probably the most "reputable" exchange that's accessible to Americans without a VPN.

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I know nothing about forex. But I'm learning how to trade options, very basic orb strategy woth opening ranges. I would like to think I become so skilled I keep moving up and eventually make it to forex.

What's trading forex like? Why is it x100 by default?