My boomer parents

Told me to consider getting out of crypto and buying dividend paying stocks

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Great idea, don't forget to pay taxes for the dividends, goy

Invest in a shit zoomer coin instead

they're just looking out for your financial wellbeing, my guy

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I literally only own L1s and BTC too, im not even that degen about it! I have a 401k!

different computer, but OP here

Be thankful you have financially savvy parents. Listen to them and don't be a fucking idiot.

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As long as you only own BTC ETH and LINK that's fine. You're a retard if you don't have atleast 30% of your worth in trad finance products.

They had to deal with more money you should listen

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selling now is pants on head retarded, even if you were in at twenty bucks back in 2010

You can have multiple investments.

Yeah but dividend yielding stocks have historically underperformed inflation, and will certainly do so given the current nature of inflation/interest rates fucking stocks in the arse.

Make your decision biztard, or are you a retard. I am getting into the Honeyland genesis minting on June 1& 2, you may also have a review of it as NFTs minted can be used to earn other assets and tokens with real value.

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Thank you for bring that to my attention, user.

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my 34 year old sister said the same thing lol. we're still early

thanks for the bottom signal bro

Should listen, before it to late!

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This and fox news, thank you guys for the hopium!

im all for stonks, but they think you should own 0 crypto lol

again, diff computer but OP here (clearly I do fine for myself lol)

post sister.

Imagine if you listened and did that. Imagine you bought 10btc @3k, sold at 60k, and invested it all in XOM. Imagine how rich you’d be. RIP to my nigga Ray.

MO is the best performing stock in the history of the stock market bro.