ITT we laugh at LUNC and LUNA bagholders

ITT we laugh at LUNC and LUNA bagholders

I'll start


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Not fucking funny. Some of us lost everything.



I told them they would be billionaires by the end of the month and THEY BELIEVED ME!!!

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Oh no my 1.5M bag that cost me $100 is soooooo heavy oh no how will I ever make rent when I get paid weekly direct deposit from my job noooo save me

Foodstamps don’t count nigger


what the fuck is that background? crystalized urine?


TV stations in Korea going to Singapore to look for Do Kwon because he’s disappeared. Literally knocking on the door of his Singapore address

Why do you think LUNA or LUNC will moon when this is going on?

Since I hate white people I didn’t say anything but you should’ve done proper research through language barriers

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did something happen? I mean I'm always laughing at those LUNAtards but did something new go down?

Хopoшo cмeётcя тoт ктo cмeётcя пocлeдним.

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I bought 5m lunc for 58 dollars and sold my airdropped nu luna for $155 today. They literally paid me to hold a stack of this and forget about it until it goes to a dollar. Not doing this is retarded.

>hates white people
>posting on site created by white man
We're going to have to put you in your place again, aren't we?

We are dominating your tech sector and there is nothing you can do about it. You should fear the united Korea where nukes and the brain economy co-exists.

Kill yourself waeguk-nom

imagine being Russian


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Don't we have military bases in your country? Haha