As Chainlink expands as a service layer for #Web3...

>As Chainlink expands as a service layer for #Web3, this fuels opportunities for node operators and stakers who help secure the network.

The title of Sergey’s talk at consensus is called “Web3 according to Chainlink.”

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ruh roh

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Consensus is genuinely the last chance linkies have. If staking or CCIP isn't at least mentioned then it's over.

I guarantee we get a talk about "upcoming" features. At absolute best FSS on the day. They're not going to end the feature creep grift during a bear market.

>it’s over for Chainlink if they don’t mention something I want them to on a pre determined date of my choosing.

Lol wut

Sergey has been spamming staking for the past few weeks. I think we’re close

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Time to change script

excited to blow my brains out

dude dont do that think about being productive in society by taking out as many as you can before you leave

+1 solid advice

learn a skill or something that makes an explosive impact on people's lives before you flip

I spammed for the last 6 months. It’s over mad it’s hasn’t even started

killing yourself is for losers user suicide by cop is a chad move


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This is why I'm hoping to invest my LINK gains in vaccine factories. I want to vaccinate as many normies as possible.

>As Chainlink expands as a service layer for #Web3

i really understand this tweet now. it took me a few years to get it. sergey was 5 years ahead of the game and counting.

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I am so fucking comfy.

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RLC is my hedge to link

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>secure the network
leave the network to us

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He does this shit literally every year.


Someone please explain to a retard how he can run his own node.
Is picking up trusted API enough?

you unironically can't, you need to be whitelisted