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>new and improved congestion that is now underground
>in your meme EV that randomly catches fire

I don't get how people don't see through Musk's bullshit. He has a very long history of over promising and in some cases lying.

Public transport the way s-o-yboys and bugmen like to harp on about are unironically the solution to this. That + motorcycles/scooters . 3 wheels+ will be for public transport and shipping/logistics only. No personal travel on 4 wheels within city limits.

he also has a long history of delivering said over promises
can you say the same about the shitcoins you own?

looks like a horrible fire hazard

Why didn't anyone think of this before? Just build Tunnels dude! What are you waiting for? It's easy! Musk sure is a genius.

why dont they just focus on reducing the population of people with iqs below 100 that way the rest of us can live higher quality lives in general


What if... You get purged, user?

*blocks your path*

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Is anyone going to tell him?

Did you type this inside your Robo Tesla taxi Musk promised to be done in 2020? or did you type this using a neuralink brainchip which barely works on animals according to the patents the company has on their devices?

Just put the fucking chip in your brain Dave.
For fuck's sake.

The tunnels are already built, they've been drilling under the ground for thousands of years. There are massive tunnel systems and facilities below the ground all over the world. There are pictures from the 1800's with massive boring machines.

>the same faggot who talks shit about WFH wants to "solve" traffic problems by stuffing everyone into his tunnels of onions.
I hate billionaires so much it's unreal

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Who could? He surrounded himself with yes man sucking his dick 24/7.
(To be clear, I like the idea of personalized public trabsport and relocating most of the existing traffic underground. It's just that Musk has done more harm then good with shit like the la tunnel (a complete failure) and by promoting the idea with vaporware bullshit like "the hyperloop".


Underdelivering more like. Giving you the bare minimum that makes you go "why did I need this again?". Like the reusable rocket that still costs more per launch than the one-time use rockets.

>tfw can't pass the so y filter anymore
I sincerely hope all the janny trannies burn in hell for eternity for being the most depraved subhuman sodomites in human history

Attached: 1417950891639s.jpg (249x249, 6.47K)

>I sincerely hope all the janny trannies burn in hell for eternity for being the most depraved subhuman sodomites in human history

Attached: 1609694353535.gif (570x537, 73.14K)

I was more meaning this lad You can drive semis on superhighways from coast to coast underground in the USA already.

>two more .. Weeks

*kneecaps you*

>1 post by this id