You need to realize that the only coins worth investing in are coins that are USED by people...

You need to realize that the only coins worth investing in are coins that are USED by people, coins that not only have fast transaction speeds but a good community and dev team without infighting. Coins that are used for transactions, not just trading and hodling, that’s just gambling. Coins like Bcash, Litecoin, Bitcoin, Dash, Monero. Investing in shitty ape nft tokens or dogcoins or anything else is almost guaranteed to make you lose money. The sooner you realize that a slowly growing investment is better in the end than a 90-10 chance of losing everything and making a profit in a day, the sooner you’ll start making gains. Take this from someone’s who’s been trading since 2017.

Attached: A4CD7B45-15CB-4801-88C6-D54B8D1DEFED.jpg (1600x1043, 226.15K)

oh look, we have a billionaire with us today. Do share your wonderful trading insights with us!

Speed doesn't actually matter in crypto that much. Unless you use centralized servers like Visa it is not physically possible to come even close to those speeds, but if you're using centralized servers you have no reason to be using anything "crypto" to begin with as that invalidates the entire use. Product-market fit is substantially more important.

Go back to sleep 2017 faggot. CB stablecoins will dominate the market.
no cap

Attached: op.png (962x786, 990.4K)

>stablecoin cuz it's backed on itself!
see you in the future xmr parallel economy

>if you're using centralized servers you have no reason to be using anything "crypto" to begin with
>D App Why
Good ID that explains a lot.

But seriously, you are basically explaining why XRP is the only thing worth holding.

what about hbar

>All the coins that have value is because of their usage
Daunting how so few realize this.
I would also add gaming tokens that actually have a purpose aswell, it'll be the next big wave on crypto.

Kadena can do more transactions than VISA, and unlike XRP it us decentralized.

federated byzantine agreement is decentralized enough


>7 transactions per seconds
>Needs the power output of a small country
Nice "currency" you got there, pal.

Attached: 0f261fb1-c49f-4e7f-9ae0-9a606cca3cb9.png (512x512, 81.92K)

How fast can 1 Visa be exchanged for any fiat/crypto and transfers directly into any bank account in the world?

Slower than ETH.


Attached: 1621445817202.jpg (4000x2649, 3.92M)

So Monero?
Thanks, I bought 10 more.

Why isnt BSV on this? It can do the most tx

When they stopped representing Bitcoin as a payment mechanism (because it was non functional at scale) and started calling it "digital gold", "store of value", etc was when it became clear that's a scam that's not going anywhere in the end

This pic is retarded. Visa is not a currency. Visa can use bitcoin just like it can cad, euro, not just dollars.

There is no value in a centralized payment system. Because you have visa, paypal, these are payment systems that are agnostic to the currency used.

Bitcoin is both a currency and a payment network, The base layer provides decentralized, trustless, and secure transfers as part of the minimum functionality of implemented a decentralized currency.

But the most value part of bitcoin is that its the first digital asset with scarcity. It has first mover advantage, no centralized owners, and is the most widely adopted. That makes it the most valuable.

You can use visa and do 24k bitcoin transfers a second, if you don't care about centralization, censorship, and trust. There is no value in some shitcoin that can do 24k tx/s if its a centralized, inflating PoS or the devs holds a huge portion of the supply to dump on people.

your masters are just bitter they can't edit the ledger, because they suck as traders